Table of Contents

In this section, you’ll find details on using Jupyter Notebooks in Dash Enterprise App and App Studio Workspaces. In App Studio Workspaces, you can generate an app from your notebook and deploy it for others in your organization to view.

Getting Started - The basics of using Jupyter Notebooks in workspaces on Dash Enterprise.

Running SQL Queries in Notebooks - How to run SQL queries on SQL-based Dash Enterprise Data Sources in notebooks.

Using Dash in Jupyter and Workspaces - How to run Dash in notebooks in a Dash App Workspace.

Visualizing Plotly Graphs - Creating graphs in Jupyter Notebooks on Dash Enterprise.

Exporting Static Images - Exporting static images from your Jupyter Notebook with Kaleido.

Known Issues and Limitations - A list of known issues and limitations with Jupyter Notebooks in workspaces.