
This chapter covers two forms of authentication maintained by Plotly:

Dash Enterprise Auth

Dash Enterprise provides an authentication middleware that is configured by your administrator. This authentication middleware connects to your organization’s identity provider, allows your end users to log in with SSO, verifies if the user has permission to view the app, and then passes along user information like their username or group.

Dash Enterprise can be installed on the cloud services of AWS, Azure, or Google.

Find out if your company is using Dash Enterprise.

The dash-enterprise-auth package provides an API to access the username of the viewer of your Dash app. Use this username to implement conditional logic depending on who is logged in or use it in your API or database calls (row level security).

Dash Enterprise automatically implements app authorization if your Dash app’s viewer access level is set to Restricted or Authenticated, but not if it is set to Unauthenticated.

Using dash-enterprise-auth in an Existing Dash App

If you have previously deployed your Dash app to Dash Enterprise, add dash-enterprise-libraries (Dash Enterprise >= 5.2) or dash-enterprise-auth (Dash Enterprise < 5.2) to your requirements.txt file to get started.

dash-enterprise-auth allows you to get information about your app viewer with the get_username and get_user_data methods, as well as add a logout button with the create_logout_button method.

For more information about developing your app with dash-enterprise-auth, see Dash Enterprise Auth.

Dash Enterprise Auth Example

from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output, callback
import dash_enterprise_auth as auth

external_stylesheets = ['']

app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)

server = app.server  # Expose the server variable for deployments

# Standard Dash app code below
app.layout = html.Div(className='container', children=[

        html.H2('Sample App', id='header-title', className='ten columns'),
        html.Div(auth.create_logout_button(), className='two columns', style={'marginTop': 30})
    html.Div(id='dummy-input', style={'display': 'none'}),

            className='four columns',
                dcc.Dropdown(['LA', 'NYC', 'MTL'], 'LA', id='dropdown')
            className='eight columns',

@callback(Output('header-title','children'), Input('dummy-input', 'children'))
def update_title(_):

    # print user data to the logs

    # update header with username
    return 'Hello {}'.format(auth.get_username())

@callback(Output('graph', 'figure'),
              Input('dropdown', 'value'))
def update_graph(value):
    return {
        'data': [{
            'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
            'y': [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
        'layout': {
            'title': value,
            'margin': {
                'l': 60,
                'r': 10,
                't': 40,
                'b': 60

if __name__ == '__main__':

Basic Auth

The dash-auth package provides a HTTP Basic Auth.

As a Dash developer, you hardcode a set of usernames and passwords in your code and send those usernames and passwords to your viewers. There are a few limitations to HTTP Basic Auth:

Basic Auth Example


pip install dash==2.18.0
pip install dash-auth==2.0.0

Example Code:

from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output, callback
import dash_auth

# Keep this out of source code repository - save in a file or a database
    'hello': 'world'

external_stylesheets = ['']

app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)
auth = dash_auth.BasicAuth(

app.layout = html.Div([
    html.H1('Welcome to the app'),
    html.H3('You are successfully authorized'),
    dcc.Dropdown(['A', 'B'], 'A', id='dropdown'),
], className='container')

    Output('graph', 'figure'),
    Input('dropdown', 'value'))
def update_graph(dropdown_value):
    return {
        'layout': {
            'title': 'Graph of {}'.format(dropdown_value),
            'margin': {
                'l': 20,
                'b': 20,
                'r': 10,
                't': 60
        'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2]}]

if __name__ == '__main__':