Using the IDE

This documentation is for Dash Enterprise.
Dash Enterprise is the fastest way to write & deploy Dash apps and
Jupyter notebooks.
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When you open a workspace, you’re taken to the integrated development environment (IDE). The IDE is a VS Code-like editor and works similarly, though there are some functionality differences. (See the Warnings & Limitations page).

Using the IDE as the App Owner

If you created a blank workspace, there are no app files. If you created a workspace based on a previous commit for your deployed app, your app files are available in the explorer panel on the left of the screen.

Explorer - view your files

Select the pages icon to hide or show the explorer panel.

As the app owner, you can manage files and folders, as well as use the terminal.

Creating Files and Folders

You can create new files and folders in your project from the File menu, or by right-clicking in the explorer panel and selecting New File or New Folder.

Uploading Files to the Workspace

Drag files to the explorer panel to upload them to your workspace:

Explorer - drag and drop upload

Alternatively, you can right-click in the explorer panel and select Upload Files:

Explorer - upload via menu

Cloning from an External Git Repo

You can also clone an external Git repository. See Cloning Repositories into a Workspace for more information.

Working with the Terminal

In a workspace’s terminal, you can run commands available on Linux. These include pip and apt-get.

To start a new terminal, select the Main Menu button (just below the Plotly logo), and then select Terminal > New Terminal.

New terminal

Using the IDE as an App Co-Owner

When you open the IDE as an app co-owner, you are notified that you have read-only access. This is also indicated by the page URL, which looks like https://<your-dash-enterprise-server>/workspace/read/workspace-<app-name>.

You can view the app files but cannot make any changes to them. A lock icon is displayed next to each file name.


Known issue: Trying to view a Jupyter notebook as an app co-owner displays a 404 error.
Additionally, the terminal is disabled.
