3D Visualization explained

In VTK, we have 3 main types of objects that are key for understanding its visualization principals.
First we have the View which is just a container for any Representation of DataSource that you want to see.


The view is a 3D View that can do Geometry rendering for meshes or Volume rendering for 3D images.
The view can be configured to act as a 2D one when using parallel projection and preventing rotation when interacting with it. The View component can be configured with the following set of properties.

For the interactorSettings we expect a list of mouse event type linked to an action. The example below is what is used as default:

    button: 1,
    action: 'Rotate',
  }, {
    button: 2,
    action: 'Pan',
  }, {
    button: 3,
    action: 'Zoom',
    scrollEnabled: true,
  }, {
    button: 1,
    action: 'Pan',
    shift: true,
  }, {
    button: 1,
    action: 'Zoom',
    alt: true,
  }, {
    button: 1,
    action: 'ZoomToMouse',
    control: true,
  }, {
    button: 1,
    action: 'Roll',
    alt: true,
    shift: true,

A mouse event can be identified with the following set of properties:
- button: 1/2/3 # Which button should be down
- shift: # Is the Shift key down
- alt: # Is the Alt key down
- control: # Is the Ctrl key down
- scrollEnabled: # Some action could also be triggered by scroll
- dragEnabled: # Mostly used to disable default drag behavior

And the action could be one of the following:
- Pan: Will pan the object on the plane normal to the camera
- Zoom: Will zoom closer or further from the object based on the drag direction
- Roll: Will rotate the object around the view direction
- ZoomToMouse: Will zoom while keeping the location that was initially under the mouse at the same spot


A representation is responsible for converting a DataSource into something visual that will be available inside the View.

So far we are exposing to dash_vtk 3 core types of Representation:
- : The geometry representation will expect a mesh and will render it as geometry rendering (think triangle sets).
- : The volume representation will expect a 3D image and will render it using a Volume Rendering technique that will let you see through (foggy object).
- : The slice representation will expect a 3D image and will slice it along a given axis.

Representations should be put inside the children of a .


A DataSource can be many things but it is mostly something that can produce data. In other words it could be a dataset or a filter that consume some data and generate new ones or even a reader that will read somekind of input (file, url…) and produce some data. Any DataSource can be placed inside the children of another DataSource that will act as a filter or simply passed to a Representation.

In dash_vtk we have several objects that falls into that category. The list below gives you an overview of those but more details information can be found later.
- : Allows you to instantiate a vtk.js algorithm that could either be a filter (vtkWarpScalar) or a source (vtkLineSource, vtkConeSource, vtkPlaneSource, vtkSphereSource, vtkCylinderSource).
- : What we’ve been calling a 3D image so far. This element will let you define each piece that comprises a 3D image.
- : A surface mesh (points, triangles…). This element will let you define the various piece of a mesh.
- : Similar to except that readers have a common API and this element lets you leverage those.
- : Allows you to capture any and make it available in another processing pipeline or representation without duplicating the data that gets sent from the server to the client.
- : Similar to except that it has a helper function to help you map a vtkDataSet into a single property of the .
- : Similar to except that it has a helper function to help you map a vtkImageData into a single property of the .

Geometry Rendering

Now that we have those core concepts down we can show some examples of rendering a mesh using .

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at: https://community.plotly.com/c/dash/r/21

View full code

from dash import Dash, html

import dash_vtk
from dash_vtk.utils import to_mesh_state

    # VTK 9+
    from vtkmodules.vtkImagingCore import vtkRTAnalyticSource
except ImportError:
    # VTK =< 8
    from vtk.vtkImagingCore import vtkRTAnalyticSource

# Use VTK to get some data
data_source = vtkRTAnalyticSource()
data_source.Update()  # <= Execute source to produce an output
dataset = data_source.GetOutput()

# Use helper to get a mesh structure that can be passed as-is to a Mesh
# RTData is the name of the field
mesh_state = to_mesh_state(dataset)

content = dash_vtk.View([

# Dash setup
app = Dash()
server = app.server

app.layout = html.Div(
    style={"width": "100%", "height": "400px"},

if __name__ == "__main__":

Volume Rendering

The previous example was using a 3D image and extracting its mesh to render. Let’s keep the same data but show it as Volume Rendering.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at: https://community.plotly.com/c/dash/r/21

from dash import Dash, html

import dash_vtk
from dash_vtk.utils import to_volume_state

    # VTK 9+
    from vtkmodules.vtkImagingCore import vtkRTAnalyticSource
except ImportError:
    # VTK =< 8
    from vtk.vtkImagingCore import vtkRTAnalyticSource

# Use VTK to get some data
data_source = vtkRTAnalyticSource()
data_source.Update()  # <= Execute source to produce an output
dataset = data_source.GetOutput()

# Use helper to get a volume structure that can be passed as-is to a Volume
volume_state = to_volume_state(dataset)  # No need to select field

content = dash_vtk.View([
        # GUI to control Volume Rendering
        # + Setup good default at startup
        # Actual volume

# Dash setup
app = Dash()
server = app.server

app.layout = html.Div(
    style={"width": "100%", "height": "400px"},

if __name__ == "__main__":