Dash Testing

dash.testing provides custom Dash pytest fixtures and a set of testing APIs for unit and end-to-end testing.
This tutorial shows how to write and run tests for a Dash app.

Dash for R Testing

We released Dash for R
in July 2019. It extends the Python package
dash.testing to support Dash for R apps.
The dashr fixture gives a test development experience in
Dash for R that’s nearly identical to the dash_duo fixture in
Dash for Python. A dashr fixture is an instance of
Python class which provides a reliable framework to execute the app and test
one or more of its features via Selenium WebDriver. For more details,
please visit pytest documentation.

Installing dash.testing

Install dash.testing with:

python -m pip install dash[testing]

In some shells (for example, Zsh), you may need to escape the opening bracket, [:

python -m pip install dash\[testing]


Here is a simple example runnable with pytest. Your Dash App is written
as a string inside the Python test code (the app argument can also be a
valid path to a .R file), the app is then executed by Rscript within
a Python subprocess and we can use the same set of API calls to
test it exactly as we do Dash testing in Python Apps.

# the app is a raw string variable defining the Dash App in R
app = '''
app <- Dash$new()
app$layout(htmlDiv(list(htmlDiv(id='container',children='Hello Dash for R testing'))))
# a test case is a simple Python function with the same prefix convention
# dashr is the default fixture combines the API for serving the app
# and Selenium tests.
def test_rstr001_r_with_string(dashr):
    # Since the app is the string chunk we defined above, the dashr
    # fixture creates an unique temporary folder to dump the content into
    # `app.R` and copies any possible subfolders (usually
    # assets or clientside source code) to the same temporary folder
    # start_server by default uses the temporary folder as current working
    # folder You can change this with `start_server(app, cwd='/my/cwd/')`
    assert dashr.find_element("#container").text == "Hello Dash for R Testing"

def test_rstr002_r_with_file_path(dashr):
    # Alternatively, the app can be a path to a separate file containing your Dash for R app
    # the `os.path.dirname(__file__)` is an useful Python trick to get the path
    # of the currently running script, so it will always work no matter where you start the
    # test runner.
        app=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assets/demo_hello.R))
    assert dashr.find_element("#container").text == "Hello Dash for R Testing"

Running Tests

There are many ways to run your tests, and you can change how your tests run by adding flags to
the pytest command.

All Tests

You can run all tests in the current working directory (and its subdirectories) with:


Any tests in .py files with names that start with test_ or end with _test are run.

Specific Tests

In the example above, we gave our test cases IDs.
We can use these to run a specific test:

pytest -k rstr001

WebDriver Options

There are different ways to configure your WebDriver when running end-to-end tests.

With an Alternative Web Driver

ChromeDriver is the default WebDriver, but dash.testing also supports geckodriver for Firefox.
Add the --webdriver Firefox flag when running tests to use it:

pytest --webdriver Firefox -k 001

In Headless Mode

You can run tests in headless mode, if you don’t need to see
the tests in a browser UI:

pytest --headless -k 001

Using a Selenium Grid

You can use Selenium Grid to run tests across multiple machines. To run tests with a local hosted grid at http://localhost:4444/wd/hu:

pytest --remote -k 001

http://localhost:4444/wd/hu is the default value. To add an different remote, use the --remote-url flag:

pytest --webdriver Firefox --remote-url <a href="https://grid_provider_endpoints">https://grid_provider_endpoints</a>

Note: If you set --remote-url, and the value is different to the default value, http://localhost:4444/wd/hu, you don’t need to include the --remote flag.


We can’t guarantee that the above examples work with every Selenium Grid. There may be limitations because of how your network is configured. For example, because of:

If you encounter issues, it may be because you need to do some auxiliary WebDriver options tuning to run the tests. Here are some things to try:

from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

def pytest_setup_options():
    options = Options()
    return options


To avoid accidental name collision with other pytest plugins, all Dash test
fixtures start with the prefix dashr.


Selenium Overview

dashr exposes the Selenium WebDriver via the
property driver, e.g. dash_duo.driver, which gives you full access to
the Python Selenium API.
(Note that this is not the official Selenium documentation site, but has
somehow become the de facto Python community reference
One of the core components of Selenium testing is finding the
web element with a locator, and performing some actions like click
or send_keys on it, and waiting to verify if the expected state is met
after those actions. The check is considered as an acceptance criterion,
for which you can write in a standard Python assert statement.

Element Locators

There are several strategies to
locate elements;
CSS selector and XPATH are the two most versatile ways. We recommend using
the CSS Selector in most cases due to its
better performance and robustness across browsers.
If you are new to using CSS Selectors, these
SauceLab tips
are a great start. Also, remember that
Chrome Dev Tools Console
is always your good friend and playground.


This link covers
this topic nicely. For impatient readers, a quick take away is
quoted as follows:
The Selenium WebDriver provides two types of waits:
- explicit wait
Makes WebDriver wait for a certain condition to occur before
proceeding further with execution. All our APIs with wait_for_*
falls into this category.
- implicit wait
Makes WebDriver poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying
to locate an element. We set a global two-second timeout at the
driver level.
Note all custom wait conditions are defined in dash.testing.wait
and there are two extra APIs until and until_not which are similar to
the explicit wait with WebDriver, but they are not binding to
WebDriver context, i.e. they abstract a more generic mechanism to
poll and wait for certain condition to happen

Browser APIs

This section lists a minimal set of browser testing APIs. They are
convenient shortcuts to Selenium APIs and have been approved in
our daily integration tests.
The following table might grow as we start migrating more legacy tests in
the near future. But we have no intention to build a comprehensive list,
the goal is to make writing Dash tests concise and error-free.
Please feel free to submit a community PR to add any missing ingredient,
we would be happy to accept that if it’s adequate for Dash testing.

API Description
find_element(selector) return the first found element by the CSS selector, shortcut to driver.find_element_by_css_selector. note that this API will raise exceptions if not found, the find_elements API returns an empty list instead
find_elements(selector) return a list of all elements matching by the CSS selector, shortcut to driver.find_elements_by_css_selector
multiple_click(selector, clicks) find the element with the CSS selector and clicks it with number of clicks
wait_for_element(selector, timeout=None) shortcut to wait_for_element_by_css_selector the long version is kept for back compatibility. timeout if not set, equals to the fixture’s wait_timeout
wait_for_element_by_css_selector(selector, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element is present, shortcut to WebDriverWait with EC.presence_of_element_located
wait_for_element_by_id(element_id, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element is present, shortcut to WebDriverWait with EC.presence_of_element_located
wait_for_style_to_equal(selector, style, value, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element’s style has expected value. shortcut to WebDriverWait with custom wait condition style_to_equal. timeout if not set, equals to the fixture’s wait_timeout
wait_for_text_to_equal(selector, text, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element’s text equals the expected text. shortcut to WebDriverWait with custom wait condition text_to_equal. timeout if not set, equals to the fixture’s wait_timeout
wait_for_contains_text(selector, text, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element’s text contains the expected text. shortcut to WebDriverWait with custom wait condition contains_text condition. timeout if not set, equals to the fixture’s wait_timeout
wait_for_class_to_equal(selector, classname, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element’s class has expected value. timeout if not set, equals to the fixture’s wait_timeout. shortcut to WebDriverWait with custom class_to_equal condition.
wait_for_contains_class(selector, classname, timeout=None) explicit wait until the element’s classes contains the expected classname. timeout if not set, equals to the fixture’s wait_timeout. shortcut to WebDriverWait with custom contains_class condition.
wait_for_page(url=None, timeout=10) navigate to the url in webdriver and wait until the dash renderer is loaded in browser. use server_url if url is None
toggle_window() switch between the current working window and the newly opened one.
switch_window(idx) switch to window by window index. shortcut to driver.switch_to.window. raise BrowserError if no second window present in browser
open_new_tab(url=None) open a new tab in browser with window name new window. url if not set, equals to server_url
percy_snapshot(name, wait_for_callbacks=False) visual test API shortcut to percy_runner.snapshot. it also combines the snapshot name with the actual python versions. The wait_for_callbacks parameter controls whether the snapshot is taken only after all callbacks have fired; the default is False.
visit_and_snapshot(resource_path, hook_id, wait_for_callbacks=True, assert_check=True) This method automates a common task during dash-docs testing: the URL described by resource_path is visited, and completion of page loading is assured by waiting until the element described by hook_id is fetched. Once hook_id is available, visit_and_snapshot acquires a snapshot of the page and returns to the main page. wait_for_callbacks controls if the snapshot is taken until all dash callbacks are fired, default True. assert_check is a switch to enable/disable an assertion that there is no devtools error alert icon.
take_snapshot(name) hook method to take a snapshot while Selenium test fails. the snapshot is placed under /tmp/dash_artifacts in Linux or %TEMP in windows with a filename combining test case name and the running Selenium session id
zoom_in_graph_by_ratio(elem_or_selector, start_fraction=0.5, zoom_box_fraction=0.2, compare=True) zoom out a graph (provided with either a Selenium WebElement or CSS selector) with a zoom box fraction of component dimension, default start at middle with a rectangle of 1/5 of the dimension use compare to control if we check the SVG get changed
click_at_coord_fractions(elem_or_selector, fx, fy) Use ActionChains to click a Selenium WebElement at a location a given fraction of the way fx between its left (0) and right (1) edges, and fy between its top (0) and bottom (1) edges.
get_logs() return a list of SEVERE level logs after last reset time stamps (default to 0, resettable by reset_log_timestamp. Chrome only
clear_input() simulate key press to clear the input
driver property exposes the Selenium WebDriver as fixture property
session_id property returns the Selenium session_id, shortcut to driver.session_id
server_url set the server_url as setter so the Selenium is aware of the local server port, it also implicitly calls wait_for_page. return the server_url as property
download_path property returns the download_path, note that dash fixtures are initialized with a temporary path from pytest tmpdir

Dash APIs

This section enumerates a full list of Dash App related properties and APIs
apart from the previous browser ones.

API Description
devtools_error_count_locator property returns the selector of the error count number in the devtool UI
dash_entry_locator property returns the selector of react entry point, it can be used to verify if an Dash app is loaded
dash_outerhtml_dom property returns the BeautifulSoup parsed Dash DOM from outerHTML
dash_innerhtml_dom property returns the BeautifulSoup parsed Dash DOM from innerHTML
redux_state_paths property returns the window.store.getState().paths
redux_state_rqs property returns window.store.getState().requestQueue
window_store property returns window.store
get_local_storage(store_id="local") get the value of local storage item by the id, default is local
get_session_storage(session_id="session") get the value of session storage item by the id, default is session
clear_local_storage() shortcut to window.localStorage.clear()
clear_session_storage() shortcut to window.sessionStorage.clear()
clear_storage() clears both local and session storages


Verify Your Test Environment

If you run the integration in a virtual environment, make sure you are
getting the latest commit in the master branch from each component, and
that the installed pip versions are correct.
Note: We have some enhancement initiatives tracking in this issue

Run the CI Job Locally

The CircleCI Local CLI is a
handy tool to execute some jobs locally. It gives you an earlier warning
before even pushing your commits to remote. For example, it’s always
recommended to pass lint and unit tests job first on your local machine. So
we can make sure there are no simple mistakes in the commit.

# install the cli (first time only)
$ curl -fLSs <a href="https://circle.ci/cli">https://circle.ci/cli</a> | bash && circleci version
# run at least the lint & unit test job on both python 2 and 3
# note: the current config requires all tests pass on python 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7.
$ circleci local execute --job lint-unit-27 && $ circleci local execute --job lint-unit-37

Increase the Verbosity of pytest Logging Level

pytest --log-cli-level DEBUG -k bsly001

You can get more logging information from Selenium WebDriver, Flask server,
and our test APIs.

14:05:41 | DEBUG | selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection:388 | DELETE <a href=""></a> {"sessionId": "87b6f1ed3710173eff8037447e2b8f56"}
14:05:41 | DEBUG | urllib3.connectionpool:393 | <a href=""></a> "DELETE /session/87b6f1ed3710173eff8037447e2b8f56 HTTP/1.1" 200 72
14:05:41 | DEBUG | selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection:440 | Finished Request
14:05:41 | INFO | dash.testing.application_runners:80 | killing the app runner
14:05:41 | DEBUG | urllib3.connectionpool:205 | Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost:8050
14:05:41 | DEBUG | urllib3.connectionpool:393 | <a href="http://localhost:8050">http://localhost:8050</a> "GET /_stop-3ef0e64e8688436caced44e9f39d4263 HTTP/1.1" 200 29

Selenium Snapshots

If you run your tests with CircleCI dockers (locally with CircleCI CLI
and/or remotely with CircleCI).
Inside a docker run or VM instance where there is no direct access to the
video card, there is a known limitation that you cannot see anything from
the Selenium browser on your screen. Automation developers use
Xvfb as
a workaround to solve this issue. It enables you to run graphical
applications without a display (e.g., browser tests on a CI server) while
also having the ability to take screenshots.
We implemented an automatic hook at the test report stage, it checks if a
test case failed with a Selenium test fixture. Before tearing down every
instance, it will take a snapshot at the moment where your assertion is
False or having a runtime error. refer to Browser APIs
Note: you can also check the snapshot directly in CircleCI web page
under Artifacts Tab

Percy Snapshots

There are two customized pytest arguments to tune Percy runner:
1. --nopercyfinalize disables the Percy finalize in dash fixtures. This
is required if you run your tests in parallel, then you add an extra
percy finalize --all step at the end. For more details, please visit
Percy Documents.
2. --percy-assets lets Percy know where to collect additional assets
such as CSS files.