Introduction to Dash Slicer

The dash_slicer library provides an easy way to visualize 3D image data
by slicing along one dimension. Multiple views on the same data can be linked,
to help with navigation. There is also support for mask overlays.

Install Dash Slicer with:

pip install -U dash-slicer

The source is on GitHub at plotly/dash-slicer.


A first example

Let’s get started with a simple example.
(The examples on this page are built with dash-slicer version 0.3.0)

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

from dash import Dash, html
import imageio
from dash_slicer import VolumeSlicer

app = Dash(__name__, update_title=None)

vol = imageio.volread("imageio:stent.npz")
slicer = VolumeSlicer(app, vol)
slicer.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False

app.layout = html.Div([slicer.graph, slicer.slider, *slicer.stores])

if __name__ == "__main__":, dev_tools_props_check=False)

In the code above, we first load a 3D numpy array (a volumetric image). Then
we instantiate a VolumeSlicer object with that data. This object is not
a Dash component, but has attributes that are. We place its graph and
slider in the layout, as well as a handful of Store components that the
slicer needs to function.

The graph’s scrollZoom config option is turned off here, because
it would make the plot grab scroll events as you scroll down this page.

If the server is run in debug mode, consider setting dev_tools_props_check
to False, because it has a big impact on the performance.

Multiple slicers

In the next example, we create multiple slicers, one for each dimension,
and put them in a layout, just like we did in the previous example.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

from dash import Dash, html
import imageio
from dash_slicer import VolumeSlicer

app = Dash(__name__, update_title=None)

vol = imageio.volread("imageio:stent.npz")
slicer0 = VolumeSlicer(app, vol, axis=0)
slicer1 = VolumeSlicer(app, vol, axis=1)
slicer2 = VolumeSlicer(app, vol, axis=2)

slicer0.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False
slicer1.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False
slicer2.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False

app.layout = html.Div(
        "display": "grid",
        "gridTemplateColumns": "33% 33% 33%",
        html.Div([slicer0.graph, html.Br(), slicer0.slider, *slicer0.stores]),
        html.Div([slicer1.graph, html.Br(), slicer1.slider, *slicer1.stores]),
        html.Div([slicer2.graph, html.Br(), slicer2.slider, *slicer2.stores]),

if __name__ == "__main__":, dev_tools_props_check=False)

You can see how each view contains indicator lines, which show the
position of the other slicers. Each slicer has a certain color
(which is auto-selected, but can also be provided), which is shown
in the corners around the image. The same color is used to draw the
slicer’s indicator lines in the other views.

Slicers indicate each-other’s position if they are linked based on their
scene_id. This is a property that can be provided when you
instantiate a VolumeSlicer. By default, the scene_id is derived
from the volume. That’s why the linking in this example works: each
slicer is given the same numpy array object. By explicitly setting
the scene_id, multiple views on different data (e.g. MRI and CT) can
be linked as well.

In addition to using the sliders, you can click in one of the
views to make the other views go to the clicked location. Try it!
Thanks to this navigation mode, you can optionally hide sliders in
the layout when two or more views are present (see the VolumeSlicer.slider
property ).

Anisotropic data

In the next example, we make the data non-isotropic. This means
that the distance between voxels is not equal for all dimensions.
The voxel-spacing can be provided via the spacing argument.
Similarly, an origin can also be provided. You can zoom into the
view on the right to see that the voxels are elongated.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

from dash import Dash, html
import imageio
from dash_slicer import VolumeSlicer

app = Dash(__name__, update_title=None)

vol = imageio.volread("imageio:stent.npz")
vol = vol[::3,:,:]
spacing = 3, 1, 1

slicer0 = VolumeSlicer(app, vol, spacing=spacing, axis=0)
slicer1 = VolumeSlicer(app, vol, spacing=spacing, axis=1)

slicer0.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False
slicer1.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False

app.layout = html.Div(
        "display": "grid",
        "gridTemplateColumns": "33% 33%",
        html.Div([slicer0.graph, html.Br(), slicer0.slider, *slicer0.stores]),
        html.Div([slicer1.graph, html.Br(), slicer1.slider, *slicer1.stores]),

if __name__ == "__main__":, dev_tools_props_check=False)

Reacting to the slicer state

This example illustrates how your application can react to the slicer’s
position and view by using the state store as an input. Note that the
id of this store is a dict, which makes it possible to write a
pattern matching Input
to collect the states of all slicers with a certain scene_id.
See the reference docs for details.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

import json
from dash import Dash, html, Input, Output, callback
import imageio
from dash_slicer import VolumeSlicer

app = Dash(__name__, update_title=None)

vol = imageio.volread("imageio:stent.npz")
slicer = VolumeSlicer(app, vol)
slicer.graph.config["scrollZoom"] = False

app.layout = html.Div([slicer.graph, slicer.slider, html.Div(id='info'), *slicer.stores])

    Output("info", "children"),
    Input(, "data")
def update_info(state):
    return json.dumps(state, indent=4)

if __name__ == "__main__":, dev_tools_props_check=False)

More examples

More examples are available at the
dash-slicer repository.