Dash Dev Tools

Dash Dev Tools is a set of tools to make debugging and developing Dash apps more productive & pleasant.

These tools are enabled when developing your Dash app and are not intended
when deploying your application to production.

Dash Dev Tools includes:
- Callback Graph - Dash displays a visual representation of your callbacks:
which order they are fired in, how long they take, and what data is passed back and forth between
the Dash app in the web browser and your Python code.

These Dev Tools features are turned on when the app is run in development
with and when :

See the “Configuring Dash Dev Tools” section at the bottom to turn individual
features on and off.

This initiative was sponsored by a Dash Enterprise customer.
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or license Dash Enterprise.

Callback Graph

This feature was originally sponsored by a customer in Dash v0.42.0 and
was recently improved in Dash v1.16.0 by Community Member @jjaraalm
in #1179. Many thanks @jjaraalm!


The Dash Dev Tools Callback Graph

60 second demo video (no sound)

The Dash Dev Tools Callback Graph provides Live Introspection,
Profiling, and Live Debugging of your callback graph.

This includes:

Custom Timing Events

The timing data reported above includes the entire time that the callback is running.

To report more granular timing data about certain steps within your callback, use dash.callback_context.record_timing. For example:

With this, the custom timing data is available in two places:

  1. In the detailed view.

The Dash Dev Tools Callback Graph Reporting Custom Timing Events

  1. In your browser’s network panel under the _dash-update-component request.

Custom Timing in the Browser's Network Pane


>>> help(dash.callback_context.record_timing)

dash.callback_context.record_timing(name, duration=None, description=None)

Records timing information for a server resource.

    :param name: The name of the resource.
    :type name: string

    :param duration: The time in seconds to report. Internally, this
        is rounded to the nearest millisecond.
    :type duration: float or None

    :param description: A description of the resource.
    :type description: string or None

Code Reloading & Hot Reloading

By default, Dash includes Code Reloading & Hot Reloading. This means that Dash will automatically refresh your browser when you make a change in your Python or CSS code.

The Code Reloading feature is provided by Flask & Werkzeug via the use_reloader keyword.
A caveat of Code Reloading is that your app code is run twice when
starting: once to start the parent process and another time to run the child process that gets reloaded.

Hot reloading works by running a “file watcher” that examines your working directory to check for changes. When a change is detected, Dash reloads your application in an efficient way automatically.

A few notes about how Code Reloading & Hot Reloading works:
- Hot reloading is triggered when you save a file.
- Dash examines the files in your working directory.
- CSS files are automatically “watched” by examining the assets/ folder. Learn more about css
- If only CSS changed, then Dash will only refresh that CSS file.
- When your Python code has changed, Dash will re-run the entire file and then refresh the application in the browser.
- Hot reloading will not save the application’s state. For example, if you’ve selected some items in a dropdown, then that item will be cleared on hot-reload.
- Hot reloading is configurable through a set of parameters: use_reloader, dev_tools_hot_reload, and the dev_tools_hot_reload_interval, dev_tools_hot_reload_watch_interval,

If Hot-Reloading is Too Slow

If your application initialization is too slow for hot reloading, then consider:

In-App Error Reporting

Callback error messages and JavaScript error messages are displayed as a pop-up within your application instead of in your terminal.
Our intention was to reduce the context switch during development between terminal, code editor, browser and browser debug console. With error messages in the app, you can just focus on your browser and your code editor.

To hide the error message, click on the Blue Dev Tools icon in the bottom right corner and then click on the “Toggle Errors” icon.

Displaying error messages in the web browser

Component Validation

Dash’s Dev Tools validates the shape of the properties of components.

A screenshot of the dev tools component validation error message

As a Dash component author, you do not need to write any input argument validation logic for your component. However, you will need to provide type definitions within the propTypes of your component. The more specific, the better. These propType definitions are used for validation and automatic docstring generation.

Note: You can disable the check by setting dev_tools_props_check=False. But we strongly recommended to fixing the property type errors instead.

Under the hood, we leverage React’s
Error Handling feature and Type Checking with propTypes. These error messages are parsed & modified by Dash before presented to the user. View the source.

Serving the Dev Bundles & Source Maps

In dev mode, component authors can include source maps or dev bundles in their component suite. These source maps or dev bundles will be served
when dev_tools_serve_dev_bundles=True. In production they will be omitted.

The component libraries that are maintained by Plotly (including dash-core-components, dash-html-components, dash-table) provide the sourcemaps via async loading. This means that they will be loaded on-the-fly when requested by the browser in the browser’s console regardless of the value of dev_tools_serve_dev_bundles.

Configuring Dash Dev Tools & app.run Reference

Configuring with run

Dev Tools is configured by the run command, which is typically:

Full Reference

app.run(host='', port='7080', proxy=None, debug=False, dev_tools_ui=None, dev_tools_props_check=None, dev_tools_serve_dev_bundles=None, dev_tools_hot_reload=None, dev_tools_hot_reload_interval=None, dev_tools_hot_reload_watch_interval=None, dev_tools_hot_reload_max_retry=None, dev_tools_silence_routes_logging=None, dev_tools_prune_errors=None, **flask_run_options)

With debug=True, all of the Dev Tools features listed below enabled.

Individual dev tools featured can be turned on or off with keyword
arguments in app.run. These include:

For example, to turn off the automatic reloader but keep the rest of the development features, you could run:

app.run(debug=True, use_reloader=False)

Configuring with enable_dev_tools

app.enable_dev_tools(debug=None, dev_tools_ui=None, dev_tools_props_check=None, dev_tools_serve_dev_bundles=None, dev_tools_hot_reload=None, dev_tools_hot_reload_interval=None, dev_tools_hot_reload_watch_interval=None, dev_tools_hot_reload_max_retry=None, dev_tools_silence_routes_logging=None, dev_tools_prune_errors=None)

Use enable_dev_tools when you want to turn on certain features when deploying your application with gunicorn.

A common use case is to enable the Callback Graph to diagnose performance or network issues in your deployed application:


We do not recommend using these settings in your deployed applications in general usage because:
- Displaying serverside tracebacks is a security vulnerability
- Dev Tools features incur a performance penalty: There is a cost to running component validation and loading the dev bundles.

Configuring with Environment Variables

All the dev_tools variables can be set with environment variables, just replace the dev_tools_ with dash_ and convert to uppercase.
This allows you to have different run configs without changing the code.


export DASH_HOT_RELOAD=false


set DASH_DEBUG=true

By placing these features in run, we prevent you from using these
features in production. As a reminder, run should not be used
when deploying your application in production. Instead, the app should
be run with gunicorn on the server = app.server instance.
We don’t run use dev tools in production because:
- Displaying serverside tracebacks is a security vulnerability
- Dev Tools features incur a performance penalty: there is a cost to component validation and loading the larger dev bundles.