offers extensive number formatting and localization possibilities with the columns nested prop and
table-wide localization prop .
Most formatting and localization for columns can be done through the
and helpers but it’s also possible to use the d3-format
and locale
See d3-format for additional syntax details.
The FormatTemplate provides the following predefined templates:
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.dash_table import DataTable, FormatTemplate
app = Dash()
money =
percentage = FormatTemplate.percentage(2)
columns = [
dict(id='account', name='Account'),
dict(id='balance', name='Balance', type='numeric', format=money),
dict(id='rate', name='Rate', type='numeric', format=percentage)
data = [
dict(account='A', balance=522.31, rate=0.139),
dict(account='B', balance=1607.9, rate=0.1044),
dict(account='C', balance=-228.41, rate=0.199),
app.layout = DataTable(
if __name__ == '__main__':
Grouping is defined with the format nested props group
and groups
takes values or to toggle digit grouping.
takes a list of numbers used to define the digits grouping pattern.
If the number has more digits than what’s defined in groups
, it cycles through the
list again until it runs out of numbers to group.
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Group
app = Dash()
columns = [
dict(id='a', name='No groups', type='numeric', format=Format()),
dict(id='a', name='Groups of 3', type='numeric', format=Format().group(True)),
dict(id='a', name='Groups of 4', type='numeric', format=Format(group=True, groups=[4])),
dict(id='a', name='Groups of 2,3,2', type='numeric', format=Format(group=Group.yes).groups([2, 3, 2]))
values = [123, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456789]
app.layout = DataTable(
data=[dict(a=value) for value in values]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Alignment and filling is defined with the format nested props align
, fill
, and .
The align
helper takes values , , and .
is single character that will be used for filling.
is the minimum length of the filled string.
If the formatted number requires more space than allows for, it will do so.
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Align
app = Dash()
columns = [
dict(id='a', name='No fill', type='numeric', format=Format()),
dict(id='a', name='Align left (10)', type='numeric', format=Format().align(Align.left).fill('-').padding_width(10)),
dict(id='a', name='Align right (8)', type='numeric', format=Format(align=Align.right, fill='-', padding_width=8)),
dict(id='a', name='Align center (6)', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='-^6'))
values = [123, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456789]
app.layout = DataTable(
data=[dict(a=value) for value in values]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Padding and padding width is defined with the format nested props padding
and and they behave similarly
to fill
and , but do not allow alignment.
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Padding
app = Dash()
columns = [
dict(id='a', name='No padding', type='numeric', format=Format()),
dict(id='a', name='Padding 12', type='numeric', format=Format(padding=True, padding_width=12)),
dict(id='a', name='Padding 9', type='numeric', format=Format(padding=Padding.yes).padding_width(9)),
dict(id='a', name='Padding 6', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='06'))
values = [123, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456789]
app.layout = DataTable(columns=columns, data=[dict(a=value) for value in values])
if __name__ == '__main__':
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.html import Br, Div
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Scheme, Trim
app = Dash()
columns_1 = [
dict(id='a', name='No precision', type='numeric', format=Format()),
dict(id='a', name='Default', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2)),
dict(id='a', name='Fixed', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.fixed)),
dict(id='a', name='Decimal', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.decimal)),
dict(id='a', name='Integer', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.decimal_integer)),
dict(id='a', name='Decimal/Exponent', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.decimal_or_exponent)),
dict(id='a', name='Decimal SI', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.decimal_si_prefix)),
dict(id='a', name='Exponent', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.exponent)),
columns_2 = [
dict(id='a', name='Percentage', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.percentage)),
dict(id='a', name='Rounded Percentage', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.percentage_rounded)),
dict(id='a', name='Binary', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.binary)),
dict(id='a', name='Octal', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.octal)),
dict(id='a', name='hex', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.lower_case_hex)),
dict(id='a', name='HEX', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.upper_case_hex)),
dict(id='a', name='Unicode', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=2, scheme=Scheme.unicode))
columns_3 = [
dict(id='a', name='4 decimals', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=4, scheme=Scheme.fixed)),
dict(id='a', name='4 decimals / trimmed', type='numeric', format=Format(precision=4, scheme=Scheme.fixed, trim=Trim.yes)),
dict(id='a', name='Custom 4 decimals / trimmed', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='.4~f')),
values = [123.1, 123.12, 1234.123, 12345.12]
data = [dict(a=value) for value in values]
app.layout = Div([
DataTable(columns=columns_1, data=data),
DataTable(columns=columns_2, data=data),
DataTable(columns=columns_3, data=data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
When to display a sign and what type of sign to display is defined with the format nested prop sign
The Sign
helper takes values (show sign when negative), (always show sign), (when negative)
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Scheme, Sign
app = Dash()
columns = [
dict(id='a', name='Default', type='numeric', format=Format()),
dict(id='a', name='Negative', type='numeric', format=Format(sign=Sign.negative)),
dict(id='a', name='Positive', type='numeric', format=Format(sign=Sign.positive)),
dict(id='a', name='Parentheses', type='numeric', format=Format().sign(Sign.parantheses)),
dict(id='a', name='Percentage/Parentheses', type='numeric', format=Format(scheme=Scheme.percentage, precision=2, sign=Sign.parantheses)),
dict(id='a', name='', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='('))
values = [
123.1, 123.12, 1234.123, 12345.12,
-123.1, -123.12, -1234.123, -12345.12
app.layout = DataTable(columns=columns, data=[dict(a=value) for value in values])
if __name__ == '__main__':
Displaying of symbols is defined with the format nested prop symbol
and the prefix/suffix symbols are defined with the locale nested prop symbol
The Symbol
helper takes values and .
The locale symbol
nested prop is a list of strings of length 2 of the form [prefix, suffix]
. Strings in symbol can be of any length.
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.html import Br, Div
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Symbol
app = Dash()
columns_1 = [
dict(id='a', name='Default', type='numeric', format=Format()),
dict(id='a', name='No Symbol', type='numeric', format=Format(,
dict(id='a', name='$ Symbol', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.yes)),
dict(id='a', name='@ Symbol / Locale prefix', type='numeric', format=Format().symbol(Symbol.yes).symbol_prefix('@')),
dict(id='a', name='@ Symbol / Locale prefix+suffix', type='numeric', format=Format().symbol(Symbol.yes).symbol_prefix('@').symbol_suffix('*'))
columns_2 = [
dict(id='a', name='Binary', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.binary)),
dict(id='a', name='Octal', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.octal)),
dict(id='a', name='Hex', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.hex)),
dict(id='a', name='Custom', type='numeric', format=dict(locale=dict(symbol=['@', '*']), specifier='$'))
values = [123.1, 123.12, 1234.123, 12345.12]
data = [dict(a=value) for value in values]
app.layout = Div([
DataTable(columns=columns_1, data=data),
DataTable(columns=columns_2, data=data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
from dash import Dash
from dash.html import Br, Div
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.dash_table.Format import Format, Group, Prefix, Scheme, Symbol
app = Dash()
columns_1 = [
dict(id='a', name='Symbol', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.yes)),
dict(id='a', name='Symbol prefix', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.yes, symbol_prefix='CAD$ ')),
dict(id='a', name='Symbol suffix', type='numeric', format=Format(symbol=Symbol.yes, symbol_suffix=' $CAD')),
dict(id='a', name='Symbol custom', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='$', locale=dict(symbol=['@', '*'])))
columns_2 = [
dict(id='a', name='Decimal', type='numeric', format=Format(decimal_delimiter=':').scheme('f').precision(2)),
dict(id='a', name='Custom decimal', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='.2f', locale=dict(decimal=':'))),
dict(id='a', name='Group', type='numeric', format=Format(group_delimiter=':', group=Group.yes, groups=[2])),
dict(id='a', name='Custom group', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier=',', locale=dict(group=':', grouping=[2])))
columns_3 = [
dict(id='a', name='Custom numerals', type='numeric', format=dict(locale=dict(numerals=['0', 'AA', 'b', 'CC', '', '', '', '77', '88', '99']))),
dict(id='a', name='Percent symbol', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier='.2%', locale=dict(percent='@'))),
dict(id='a', name='Group 4 digits', type='numeric', format=dict(specifier=',.0f', locale=dict(separate_4digits=False))),
dict(id='a', name='SI', type='numeric', format=Format(si_prefix=Prefix.milli).precision(0)),
dict(id='a', name='SI+space', type='numeric', format=Format(si_prefix=Prefix.milli, symbol=Symbol.yes, symbol_suffix=' ').precision(0)),
dict(id='a', name='Explicit SI', type='numeric', format=Format(si_prefix=10 ** -3).precision(0))
values = [123, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456789]
data = [dict(a=value) for value in values]
app.layout = Div([
DataTable(columns=columns_1, data=data),
DataTable(columns=columns_2, data=data),
DataTable(columns=columns_3, data=data)
if __name__ == '__main__':