Dash Enterprise Support

This documentation is for Dash Enterprise.
Dash Enterprise is the fastest way to write & deploy Dash apps and
Jupyter notebooks.
10% of the Fortune 500 uses Dash Enterprise to productionize AI and
data science apps. Find out if your company is using Dash Enterprise.

Support is available with Dash Enterprise. You can find the support email address within Dash Enterprise under the Help & Support menu heading. Please include a detailed description of the issue. We may request that you send us a support bundle so that we can better help you troubleshoot the issue.

If you experience difficulty during installation of Dash Enterprise,
you can respond to the email that includes your Installation Plan to
receive support.

The Dash Enterprise support team is split into two groups, Install/Infra and

The official hours for Install/Infra tickets are: 4am - 12am ET Monday - Friday.

The official hours for Solutions tickets are: 4am - 6pm ET Monday - Friday.

Support requests are prioritized by severity.

Severity Level Description Expected Response Time (SLA)
1 - Critical Loss of access, Downtime of Production system Within 4 hours Monday - Friday
2 - Medium Downtime of Development or Test systems, Blocking workflows Within 8 hours Monday - Friday
3 - Minor Questions related to code improvements, Feature requests Within 24 hours Monday - Friday
4 - Feature Requests No SLA
5 - Schedule support hours May be scheduled on a case by case basis with at least 48 hours’ notice. No SLA

Generating a Support Bundle

Support bundles contain information about resources in the Kubernetes cluster. This includes, but is not limited to, nodes, pods, events, app and workspace logs, persistent volume claims, and ingresses.

While you can generate a support bundle from the KOTS Admin Console interface, we recommend using the command line as described below. Support bundles generated from the KOTS Admin Console are less secure than those generated from the command line.

Generating a support bundle is an administrator action. It requires access to the server that Dash Enterprise is installed on.

You also need a kubectl plugin called support-bundle that requires the Krew plugin manager. To install the support-bundle plugin, SSH into the server, then run one of the following commands:

To generate a support bundle:

kubectl support-bundle secret/plotly-system/kotsadm-dash-enterprise-supportbundle --redactors=configmap/plotly-system/kotsadm-redact-spec/redact-spec,configmap/plotly-system/kotsadm-dash-enterprise-redact-spec/redact-spec

You can ignore the following errors:

* failed to run collector "ceph": rook ceph tools pod not found

* failed to run collector "longhorn": list nodes.longhorn.io: the server could not find the requested resource (get nodes.longhorn.io)

If your cluster is large, the process may exceed your user’s limit for simultaneously opened files (also called file descriptors). This error looks like:

* failed to run collector "cluster-resources": failed to redact: failed to create redacted result: failed to create temp file: open /var/folders/40/4y5dh0lj3nz64yfl8_st_4h00000gn/T/replace-3350678043: too many open files

We recommend instead generating the support bundle using the admin console. If the admin console is unavailable, you can temporarily increase this limit as a workaround.
For example, ulimit -n 1024 sets the maximum number of simultaneously opened files to 1024.

Two files are generated: a tar.gz file containing the support bundle, and a support-bundle-results.txt containing analysis results. Please send both files for our support team to investigate. In the future, the messages in support-bundle-results.txt
may be improved to help you begin your own investigation.