Deploy Apps to Dash Enterprise

Deploying an app to Dash Enterprise makes it available at https://<your-dash-enterprise-server>/<your-app-name> to users with viewer access.

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to deploy an app from your workstation to Dash Enterprise. If you’re using Workspaces instead of working locally, go to
Deploying Changes with Workspaces.


Setting Up the CLI

If you already have the Dash Enterprise CLI installed and your device is logged in, skip to Deploying Your App.

To set up the CLI:

  1. Install the Dash Enterprise CLI (requires Git and Python 3.8 - 3.11) if it isn’t already:
    py pip install dash-enterprise-libraries --extra-index-url <a href="https://&lt;your-dash-enterprise-server&gt;/packages">https://&lt;your-dash-enterprise-server&gt;/packages</a>

  2. Log your device into the CLI:
    txt de --host login
    replacing the example host name with your Dash Enterprise host name (without https).

Your browser opens to a page prompting you to grant access privileges (if it does not open automatically, use the provided URL).

  1. Select Yes to grant access privileges.

Deploying Your App

To deploy your app:

de deploy &lt;path&gt; --name &lt;app-name&gt;

where &lt;path&gt; is the path to the app folder on your workstation and &lt;app-name&gt; is the name of the new or existing app (both are optional). If you don’t provide a path, Dash Enterprise uses the current directory. If you don’t provide an app name, Dash Enterprise uses the name of your app folder. Remember that the name is used in the app URL and cannot be changed later.

If the app isn’t initialized (and the name is available), you are prompted to confirm that you want to initialize it. It is then initialized and deployed. If the app is initialized, you are prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite it, and it is deployed.

If you receive an error, refer to Common Errors for help troubleshooting.

When the deployment is successful, an Upcoming Build card is displayed at the top of the App Info Overview. The Cancel Build action becomes available.


Seeing “Build Queued”? Dash Enterprise can build a maximum of 5 total combined apps and workspaces at a time.
If other app developers push changes and create workspaces in a short amount of time such that this limit is reached, Dash Enterprise
places your build in a queue and completes it after the in-progress builds.

When the build is complete, several things happen:


The Live status indicates that the running app is based off this build. Expand Show Build Logs to view build logs.

Known issue: We are aware of an issue where build logs are sometimes incomplete, slow, or out of order. If you are an administrator with access to the server that Dash Enterprise is installed on,
consider using kubectl to view build logs directly from the Kubernetes pod.
