Exporting Images in JPG, PNG and SVG

Starting from v0.2.0, you can now export your cytoscape graphs using callbacks.
The following app shows this new feature in action:

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at: https://community.plotly.com/c/dash/r/21

from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output, ctx, callback
import dash_cytoscape as cyto

# enable svg export

app = Dash()
server = app.server

# Object declaration
basic_elements = [
        'data': {'id': 'one', 'label': 'Node 1'},
        'position': {'x': 50, 'y': 50}
        'data': {'id': 'two', 'label': 'Node 2'},
        'position': {'x': 200, 'y': 200}
        'data': {'id': 'three', 'label': 'Node 3'},
        'position': {'x': 100, 'y': 150}
        'data': {'id': 'four', 'label': 'Node 4'},
        'position': {'x': 400, 'y': 50}
        'data': {'id': 'five', 'label': 'Node 5'},
        'position': {'x': 250, 'y': 100}
        'data': {'id': 'six', 'label': 'Node 6', 'parent': 'three'},
        'position': {'x': 150, 'y': 150}
        'data': {
            'id': 'one-two',
            'source': 'one',
            'target': 'two',
            'label': 'Edge from Node1 to Node2'
        'data': {
            'id': 'one-five',
            'source': 'one',
            'target': 'five',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 1 to Node 5'
        'data': {
            'id': 'two-four',
            'source': 'two',
            'target': 'four',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 2 to Node 4'
        'data': {
            'id': 'three-five',
            'source': 'three',
            'target': 'five',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 3 to Node 5'
        'data': {
            'id': 'three-two',
            'source': 'three',
            'target': 'two',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 3 to Node 2'
        'data': {
            'id': 'four-four',
            'source': 'four',
            'target': 'four',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 4 to Node 4'
        'data': {
            'id': 'four-six',
            'source': 'four',
            'target': 'six',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 4 to Node 6'
        'data': {
            'id': 'five-one',
            'source': 'five',
            'target': 'one',
            'label': 'Edge from Node 5 to Node 1'

styles = {
    'output': {
        'overflow-y': 'scroll',
        'overflow-wrap': 'break-word',
        'height': 'calc(100% - 25px)',
        'border': 'thin lightgrey solid'
    'tab': {'height': 'calc(98vh - 115px)'}

app.layout = html.Div([
    html.Div(className='eight columns', children=[
                'name': 'preset'
                'height': '95vh',
                'width': 'calc(100% - 500px)',
                'float': 'left'

    html.Div(className='four columns', children=[
        dcc.Tabs(id='tabs-image-export', children=[
            dcc.Tab(label='generate jpg', value='jpg'),
            dcc.Tab(label='generate png', value='png')
        html.Div(style=styles['tab'], children=[
                children='image data will appear here',
        html.Div('Download graph:'),
        html.Button("as jpg", id="btn-get-jpg"),
        html.Button("as png", id="btn-get-png"),
        html.Button("as svg", id="btn-get-svg")

    Output('image-text', 'children'),
    Input('cytoscape-image-export', 'imageData'),
def put_image_string(data):
    return data

    Output("cytoscape-image-export", "generateImage"),
        Input('tabs-image-export', 'value'),
        Input("btn-get-jpg", "n_clicks"),
        Input("btn-get-png", "n_clicks"),
        Input("btn-get-svg", "n_clicks"),
def get_image(tab, get_jpg_clicks, get_png_clicks, get_svg_clicks):

    # File type to output of 'svg, 'png', 'jpg', or 'jpeg' (alias of 'jpg')
    ftype = tab

    # 'store': Stores the image data in 'imageData' !only jpg/png are supported
    # 'download'`: Downloads the image as a file with all data handling
    # 'both'`: Stores image data and downloads image as file.
    action = 'store'

    if ctx.triggered:
        if ctx.triggered_id != "tabs-image-export":
            action = "download"
            ftype = ctx.triggered_id.split("-")[-1]

    return {
        'type': ftype,
        'action': action

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example download