Tabnine AI Code Assistant

The Tabnine AI code assistant provides code completions and a chat interface to help accelerate Dash app development.

Tabnine is available in Dash App Workspaces on internet-connected Dash Enterprise instances. It is not available in App Studio Workspaces.

Enabling and Disabling Tabnine (Administrators)

Prerequisite: You are using an internet-connected Dash Enterprise instance.

Dash Enterprise users with the admin role can enable or disable Tabnine for the Dash Enterprise instance.

To enable or disable Tabnine, go to Settings, scroll to Tabnine, and toggle the switch on or of:


After enabling or disabling Tabnine, workspaces need to be restarted for the changes to take effect. This means if a developer is using Tabnine and their workspaces aren’t restarted after Tabnine is disabled at an admin level, those workspaces will still have access to Tabnine.

Enabling and Disabling Tabnine (Developers)

Prerequisite: Your administrator has enabled Tabnine for your Dash Enterprise instance.

To enable or disable Tabnine, select your name in the top-right corner, go to Personal Settings, scroll to Tabnine, and toggle the switch on or off:


With Tabnine enabled, you’ll have access to Tabnine features in new workspaces, and in existing workspaces after you restart them.

Using Tabnine in Workspaces

Prerequisite: You’ve enabled Tabnine for your account.

With Tabnine enabled, when you open a workspace, you’ll see a message “You are currently logged in as Plotly-dev-user” and “tabnine-enterprise” will be displayed in the status bar:


If you are opening a workspace for the first time, you’ll also see a message that Tabnine has been updated. Select Reload to start using Tabnine.

Tabnine is only available in workspaces you own. It is not available when accessing a workspace as a co-owner.

Code Completions

When Tabnine is enabled and active (not snoozed), you’ll have access to code completions in files in your workspace as you code.


You can also get code completions by writing comments:


See the Getting the most from Tabnine’s code completion guide in the Tabnine documentation for details on getting started with code completions.


Tabnine Chat is available from the sidebar in a workspace and allows you to ask code-related questions.


See the Getting the most from Tabnine Chat in the Tabnine documentation for more details on using Tabnine Chat.

Inline Actions

Inline actions are available in the workspace by right-clicking in the code editor and going to Tabnine, or by using the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + I (Mac) or Ctrl + I (Windows and Linux).


See the Getting the most from inline actions page in the Tabnine docs for more details on using inline actions.

Snoozing Tabnine

If you don’t want to have access to Tabnine autocomplete suggestions, you can snooze Tabnine in the workspace for an hour.

To snooze tabnine, select tabnine enterprise in the status bar and then Snooze Tabnine.


When Tabnine is snoozed, the status bar color updates to indicated it is snoozed.


Select tabnine enterprise again and then Resume Tabnine to resume using Tabnine.

The snooze time is configurable. To configure the snooze time:

  1. Go to Settings in the workspace.

  2. On the User tab under Extensions, go to Tabnine and update the Snooze Duration.

Tabnine Versions

When a new version of Tabnine is released, your workspace will attempt to install it next time you open the workspace.

Known Issues

Additional Resources