Using Workspaces

This documentation is for Dash Enterprise.
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Jupyter notebooks.
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Workspaces provide a VS Code-like IDE in your browser for developing a Dash app or running Jupyter notebooks.

Creating a Workspace

Workspaces are associated with apps and each app can have one workspace. To add a workspace, first select an app from the App Manager page and go to the Workspace tab.

Workspace Creation Options

There are two ways to create a workspace:

Creating a blank workspace

If you haven’t yet deployed this app, select Create blank workspace to get started.

Initialize from a recent commit

If you have deployed this app, you also have the option to build the workspace based on the latest or a previous commit. This is great if you want to run the current (or a previous) version of your deployed app. To do this, choose a Commit and select Create from a commit.

When you create a workspace, Dash Enterprise creates an SSH public key internally. Dash Enterprise uses this key
to authenticate your Git session with the server, allowing you to deploy from your workspace. Note that this key does not appear in your SSH Public Keys list.

Your workspace is created using the latest version of Dash Enterprise Workspaces that is available to Dash Enterprise. The latest available version depends on your environment’s network configuration and may not correspond to the latest Dash Enterprise Workspaces release.

Opening a Workspace

Once your new workspace is finished building, select Open Workspace to go to the workspace IDE. What you can do in the IDE depends on whether you are the app owner or a co-owner.

Visiting the Workspace’s Development Site

The development site is where you can view the development app (your app running in a workspace).

You can access the development site by selecting Visit Development Site in the Workspace Information section. Visit Development Site is only available when the development app is running. App owners can run a command like python in the workspace terminal to start the development app. Learn more about starting and viewing the development app.

Restarting a Workspace

In some cases when working with your workspace, you’ll want to restart it. For example, to:
- Have access to environment variables that you’ve added since the workspace was created.
- Have access to services (Redis and Postgres) that you’ve added since the workspace was created.
- Stop all processes that are running in the workspace’s terminal.
- Resolve issues, such as an unresponsive workspace.

To restart a workspace, select Restart:


Uncommitted file changes in /home/workspaceuser/app and packages installed in the workspace terminal are persisted with restarts.

For more details on what restarting a workspace means, see the Restart, Rebuild, and Delete & Recreate Compared section below.

Rebuilding a Workspace

In some cases when working with your workspace, you’ll want to rebuild it. For example, to:
- Reinstall Python based on updates you’ve made to the project.toml file.
- Run pre-deploy scripts again.

To rebuild a workspace, select Rebuild Workspace from the Workspace tab. Only the app owner can rebuild its workspace.


When you rebuild your workspace, Python packages are installed from the requirements.txt file. Any packages previously installed with pip in the workspace terminal are persisted, unless your app contains a project.toml file that specifies a Python version. Uncommitted file changes in /home/workspaceuser/app and packages installed in the terminal with sudo apt-get install and sudo apt install are also persisted.

For more details on what rebuilding a workspace means, see the Restart, Rebuild, and Delete & Recreate Compared section below.

Sometimes, you may see that the Rebuild Workspace button instead says Rebuild & Update, and a notification indicates that a new version is available.

Updating a Workspace

In Dash Enterprise 5.4.X and later, new versions of Workspaces are available to you even if your administrator has not upgraded Dash Enterprise.

Note: The Rebuild & Update action is only available if your administrator has allowed communication to and Dash Enterprise is not behind a proxy. When this communication is not allowed, you can update your existing workspaces by rebuilding them after your administrator has upgraded Dash Enterprise.

When a new version is available, select Rebuild & Update to both rebuild your workspace and apply the latest improvements.


With Workspaces version 1.5.0 and later, the version is displayed in the status bar in the workspace. See the changelog for details on changes in a specific version.


For earlier versions, a build commit SHA is displayed. Compare this to the commit SHA for the release on de-workspace-releases on GitHub to see changes for a specific version.

Stopping a Workspace

You can stop a workspace to free up CPU and memory:


Deleting a Workspace

Only the app owner or an administrator can delete workspaces.

If you no longer need your workspace, you can delete it. Deleting removes all files in the workspace. These files are not recoverable.

If you don’t want to lose changes you made to files in the workspace, you can either:
- Deploy those changes to your Dash app (if those changes are ready for production).
- Push those changes to an external Git server like GitHub if your organization has one available.
- Download the files to your local machine.

Restart, Rebuild, and Delete & Recreate Compared

Behavior Restart Rebuild Delete and Recreate
Makes environment variables available
Links services (Redis and Postgres)
Stops processes started in the terminal
Preserves Python pip packages installed in the terminal
 Reinstalls the latest available versions of the Dash Enterprise CLI and Dash Enterprise libraries
Logs you out of the Dash Enterprise CLI
Preserves APT packages installed in the terminal ✓ (1) ✓ (1)
Reinstalls Python pip packages from requirements.txt
Preserves Python Conda packages
Reinstalls APT packages from Aptfile ✓ (1) ✓ (1)
Reinstalls Python based on the version selected in the app Settings
Reinstalls pip based on the default for your Dash Enterprise version
Runs pre-deploy scripts
Preserves saved (uncommitted) files in /home/workspaceuser/app directory
Preserves persistent filesystem
Updates your workspace to the latest available release ✓ (2)
Applies Tabnine admin settings

(1) APT packages that you install in the terminal with sudo apt-get install or sudo apt install are automatically added to your Aptfile, meaning they are available when you restart or rebuild the workspace. Known issue: If you are specifying an additional repository (in the terminal or Aptfile) to install APT packages from, those packages are not preserved on restart or rebuild, so you’ll need to reinstall them.

(2) An update is performed if the Rebuild button is displayed as Rebuild & Update. The Rebuild & Update action is only available if your administrator has allowed communication to and Dash Enterprise is not behind a proxy. When this communication is not allowed or a proxy is in place, selecting Rebuild updates your workspace if your administrator has recently upgraded Dash Enterprise. An update has taken place if the build commit SHA in the bottom right of the IDE has changed.

Viewing Workspace Logs

App owners, co-owners, and administrators can view workspace build logs in the App Info.

Select Show Workspace Logs to view the build logs. Note that it can take a few seconds for them to appear.


If you are an administrator with access to the server that Dash Enterprise is installed on, you can also view workspace logs using kubectl commands. See Monitoring Dash Enterprise for more information.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

git clone &lt;https:&gt; .

Notice the . at the end of the git clone statement. You’ll need to delete existing files first. See Cloning Into Workspaces for more.