Connecting to a Databricks SQL Warehouse from Dash

This page documents how to connect to a Databricks SQL Warehouse from Dash. We’ve also published a series of blog posts that demonstrate different ways to use Dash with Databricks:

Retrieve data living in Databricks to use in your Dash app with the SQL Connector for Python. With this connector, you can run queries on a Databricks SQL warehouse, a cluster designed for efficient data-warehousing style workloads.


The examples on this page show how to run queries on a Databricks SQL warehouse within a Dash app.
Before getting started, you’ll need to have access to Databricks SQL and have a Databricks SQL warehouse configured. See the Databricks docs for more details on how to set up SQL warehouses.

Configuring Environment Variables

Configure your SQL warehouse’s server hostname and HTTP path as well as your personal access token as environment variables wherever you are running the app.

The environment variable names are: SERVER_HOSTNAME, HTTP_PATH, and ACCESS_TOKEN.

Use the information in Databricks for their values. For details on where to find this information, see the Get started section in Databricks SQL Connector for Python.

Installing SQL Connector

Install Databricks SQL Connector for Python:

pip install databricks-sql-connector

Example 1 - Loading a Static Data Set

You can load a given dataset globally in your app for static visualization. This code demonstrates the basics of connecting your app to a Databricks table, but is not the recommended approach for storing data in an interactive Dash app (see the Why Global Variables Will Break Your App section for more details).

In this basic example, we output the first 100 rows from our table in Databricks to a Dash DataTable component.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

from dash import Dash, dash_table
from databricks import sql
import os

app = Dash()
server = app.server

# Set these as environment variables in Dash Enterprise or locally
HTTP_PATH = os.getenv("HTTP_PATH")

# Configure according to your table and database names in Databricks
DB_NAME = "plotly_iot_dashboard"
TABLE_NAME = "silver_users"

with sql.connect(
    server_hostname=SERVER_HOSTNAME, http_path=HTTP_PATH, access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
) as connection:
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {DB_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME} LIMIT 100")
        df = cursor.fetchall_arrow()
        df = df.to_pandas()

app.layout = dash_table.DataTable(
    df.to_dict("records"), [{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df.columns]

if __name__ == "__main__":

Content displayed in DashTable component

Example 2 - Dynamically Building an SQL Query Using Callback Inputs

This example builds the SQL queries within the callback and demonstrates how to dynamically create SQL queries based on callback inputs.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

import dash
from dash import Dash, html, dcc, Output, Input, callback
from databricks import sql
import as px
import os

app = Dash()
server = app.server

# Set these as environment variables in Dash Enterprise or locally
HTTP_PATH = os.getenv("HTTP_PATH")

# Configure according to your table name in Databricks
DB_NAME = "plotly_iot_dashboard"
TABLE_NAME = "silver_users"

app.layout = html.Div(
        dcc.Input(id="val-selector-2", type="number", min=20, max=80, step=5, value=40),
    style={"background-color": "white", "height": "100vh"},

@callback(Output("sample-chart-2", "figure"), Input("val-selector-2", "value"))
def create_chart(selected_val):
    connection = sql.connect(
        server_hostname=SERVER_HOSTNAME, http_path=HTTP_PATH, access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        f"SELECT * FROM {DB_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME} WHERE age > {selected_val} LIMIT 100"
    df = cursor.fetchall_arrow()
    df = df.to_pandas()


    return px.scatter(df, x="height", y="weight")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Update SQL queries based on callback input

Example 3 - Using SQLAlchemy

This example demonstrates how to rewrite the previous example to use the SQLAlchemy ORM. Run pip install sqlalchemy-databricks to register the Databricks SQL dialect with SQLAlchemy.

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

from dash import Dash, html, dcc, Output, Input, callback
import as px
import os
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, select
import pandas as pd

app = Dash()
server = app.server

# Set these as environment variables in Dash Enterprise or locally
HTTP_PATH = os.getenv("HTTP_PATH")

# Configure according to your table and database names in Databricks
DB_NAME = "plotly_iot_dashboard"
TABLE_NAME = "silver_users"

app.layout = html.Div(
        dcc.Input(id="val-selector", type="number", min=20, max=80, step=5, value=40),
    style={"background-color": "white", "height": "100vh"},

@callback(Output("sample-chart", "figure"), Input("val-selector", "value"))
def create_chart(selected_val):
    # Set up SQL Alchemy engine
    engine = create_engine(
            "http_path": HTTP_PATH,

    # Get a full table with SQL Alchemy
    sensor_table = Table(TABLE_NAME, MetaData(bind=engine), autoload=True)

    # Get some distinct values on app load for filters
    stmt = select(
    ).where(sensor_table.columns.age < selected_val)

    df = pd.read_sql_query(stmt, engine)
    return px.scatter(df, x="height", y="weight")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Update SQL queries based on callback input using SQLAlchemy

Performance Tips