Dash in Jupyter Environments

Dash 2.11 and later supports running Dash apps in classic Jupyter Notebooks and in JupyterLab without the need to update the code or use the additional JupyterDash library. If you are using an earlier version of Dash, you can run Dash apps in a notebook using JupyterDash. This page documents additional options available when running Dash apps in notebooks as well as troubleshooting information.

Display Modes

When you run an app in a cell, it displays inline by default:


External mode

You can also configure it to display a link to visit to view the app by using external mode:


Tab mode

Use tab mode to automatically open the app in a new browser tab:


Jupyterlab mode

In jupyterlab mode, the notebook displays the app in a separate tab in JupyterLab.



To use jupyterlab mode, you’ll also need to build the @plotly/dash-jupyterlab extension. When you launch a new JupyterLab notebook after installing Dash, you’ll be prompted to build @plotly/dash-jupyterlab.

JupyterLab version 3 is required to run a Dash app in jupyterlab mode.

Set the mode at a notebook level

In the above examples, we configure the jupyter_mode on the Dash app. You can also apply this setting at a notebook level so that all Dash apps rendered in the notebook use it. Here, we set the default mode to “external”:

from dash import jupyter_dash


Set the server URL for the app

By default, the app in external or tab mode is served at (the localhost address on port 8050) if you don’t set a different host or port on app.run. If you are using a hosted notebook, you will need to specify the URL used by that hosted environment. In Dash Enterprise workspaces, this is detected automatically and the external URL printed out in the notebook will be your Dash Enterprise app’s full URL. In other environments, you can configure the URL by setting jupyter_server_url on app.run:


In hosted environments, you can also use jupyter_dash.infer_jupyter_proxy_config(), which will attempt to detect the URL and path that the hosted environment uses.

For more details, see the troubleshooting section below.

Notes on display modes
- Setting jupyter_mode on an individual app within the notebook overrides the default mode for that app.
- jupyterlab and tab modes are not supported in Google Colab.

Height and Width

Dash apps run in a notebook at a default width of “100%” and height of “650”. You can configure these with jupyter_width and jupyter_height on app.run:

app.run(jupyter_height=500, jupyter_width="70%")

Turn Off Inline Callback Exceptions

By default, any exceptions in your app’s callbacks display inline.


You can disable inline callback errors by setting jupyter_dash.inline_exceptions to False:

from dash import jupyter_dash

jupyter_dash.inline_exceptions = False

