Pod and Volume Limits

This documentation is for Dash Enterprise.
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Pods and volumes are resources that are created on the server where Dash Enterprise is installed.

Language note: Volumes refer to PersistentVolumes. In the Dash Enterprise App Manager, they are called PVCs (PersistentVolumeClaims).

The system cannot handle an arbitrarily large amount of pods or volumes. To prevent adverse effects to Dash Enterprise as a result of resource overutilization, administrators can configure pod and volume limits in the Dash Enterprise App Manager.

The default pod and volume limits are placeholder values only. This page describes how to set Plotly-recommended limits or your own custom limits.

Configuring Pod and Volume Limits

Configuring pod and volume limits is an administrator action and requires the admin role. Additionally, using the recommended values requires knowledge of the Dash Enterprise offering that your organization has purchased.

The recommended limits help ensure that Dash Enterprise remains healthy. You may want to use more finely tuned limits if you have additional needs. For example, using lower values limits certain activities that app developers can perform on Dash Enterprise.
Continue to the next sections to learn about the actions that create pods and volumes at runtime, as well as what happens when limits are reached.

To set new pod and volume limits:

  1. In the Dash Enterprise App Manager, go to Settings. Remember that you need the admin role to be able to access these settings.
  2. Go to System Limits and select Edit System Limits.
  3. Enter the new limits. To use the Plotly-recommended values, enter the pod and PVC (volume) limits as follows:
    * For the Standard offering of Dash Enterprise, set the pod limit to 250 and the volume limit to 200.
    * For the Growth offering of Dash Enterprise, set the pod limit to 500 and the volume limit to 400.
    * For the Premium offering of Dash Enterprise, set the pod limit to 1000 and the volume limit to 800.
  4. Select Save.


About Pods and Volumes

Some pods and volumes are created as early as the Dash Enterprise installation, while others are created at runtime.

When Pods Are Created

When Volumes Are Created

Nearing and Reaching the Pod or Volume Limit

When the pods or volumes on the system reach 80% of the limits that you’ve set,
a “Nearing System Limits” warning is displayed in the App Manager.

Note: The numbers for created pods or PVCs in the “Nearing System Limits” warning can be greater than the limits set.
This can happen when they are created by the system temporarily and haven’t been cleaned up yet. For example, pods that are responsible for building apps only exist for as long as the build is in progress.

When the pod or volume limit is reached, app developers can no longer perform actions that would create pods or volumes.

To reduce the amount of pods and volumes on the system, you can stop or delete the resources detailed above.

To identify apps that may be good candidates for deletion, you can use the last viewed information under each app name in the list of All Apps at https://&lt;your-dash-enterprise-server&gt;/apps.


You can sort the apps list by least recently viewed or last updated date.