This guide can help you if you are a new Dash Enterprise customer looking to start with a Dash Enterprise 5 installation (or if you are upgrading from Dash Enterprise 4.X) and you have purchased Dash Enterprise from an online marketplace.
Dash Enterprise is available for purchase via the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. Other marketplaces may be supported in the future.
Dash Enterprise puts data and AI into action with the creation of production-grade data apps for your business. Python is the premier language of AI and data and Dash Enterprise is the leading vehicle for delivering Python-based, interactive insights and analytics to business users.
Dash Enterprise pricing is based on the number of instances, number of license seats, and server capacity that your organization requires.
Exact pricing is established via private offer. There are no optional features.
Plotly also offers paid Professional Services hours where app developers can
receive direct assistance to develop data apps that meet their users’ needs.
These hours are negotiated and billed separately from Dash Enterprise.
Installing Dash Enterprise is an automated process: You’ll use the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service in the AWS Management Console to provision a virtual machine (VM). Then, you’ll run a script on your VM that creates a Kubernetes cluster using kURL and installs Dash Enterprise on it.
You’ll be installing Dash Enterprise as the single tenant on the cluster—that is, no other software is installed on the cluster (except mandatory supporting software). Single-tenancy is well-suited for Dash Enterprise because it is a complex platform, organizing resources on the fly when developers perform tasks like deploying Dash apps and creating databases. Multi-tenancy is not currently supported.
Plotly uses Replicated to package and deliver Dash Enterprise. You’ll be interacting with the KOTS Admin Console, part of the Replicated toolset, in the configuration step of this installation. After the installation, you’ll continue to use the KOTS Admin Console for system administration such as performing Dash Enterprise upgrades.
A Dash Enterprise installation completed with this guide comprises the following AWS resources:
Note: Dash Enterprise does not depend on AWS Instance Metadata Service Version 1.
An architecture diagram appears below:
All data collected by Dash Enterprise is stored on EBS volumes or S3 buckets and is encrypted at rest. Dash Enterprise does not provide any encryption-related options.
Your Dash Enterprise installation will be subject to your AWS account service quotas. You can read about monitoring these limits in the AWS documentation here.
Here are some important notices and details about supported configurations before you get started.
Supported operating systems for the VM: Ubuntu 22.04.
Changing the VM IP: Changing the internal and/or public IP of the VM after installation, such as by moving the VM to a different subnet, is not supported.
HTTP/HTTPS proxies: You can configure Dash Enterprise to use an HTTP/HTTPS proxy (address like http://my.proxy.url:port
) that is already present in your environment. Secure HTTP proxies (addresses like https://my.proxy.url:port
) are not supported. To configure a proxy, follow the instructions in this guide. The proxy must support websocket connections.
Load balancing: Dash Enterprise on a single server does not come with a load balancer. If you need to place a load balancer in front of the VM, make sure that it supports websocket connections. If the load balancer is an AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB), the “Preserve IP client address” option must be disabled so that NAT loopback requests can be made.
TLS/SSL certificates: By default, if you install Dash Enterprise on a VM belonging to a public subnet, a TLS certificate is generated for you automatically. This automatically generated certificate works as follows:
If an automatically generated certificate is not appropriate for your organization, you can choose to upload a TLS/SSL certificate. This guide can help you do so. Be sure to read the certificate requirements in the Prerequisites carefully.
If configuring your installation to use a private container registry, you must upload a TLS/SSL certificate; the automatically generated certificate is not supported.
Here’s what you’ll need before you can start your Dash Enterprise installation:
file in the following format:txt
The root certificate can be issued by an external/globally-trusted CA or by a CA that is internal to your organization.
If you obtained your certificate chain as multiple files, you need to combine them into a single .pem
file. You can do this with cat server.pem intermediate.pem trustedroot.pem > fullchain.pem
on Linux or copy server.pem+intermediate.pem+trustedroot.pem fullchain.pem
on Windows, replacing the file names if yours are different. Using multiple certificates or self-signed certificates are not supported.
You’ll upload the full certificate chain and unencrypted private key during the configuration, and they will be used to terminate TLS/SSL.
The following AWS resources:
Domain/Port | Purpose | When | I/O |
---|---|---|---| 443 |
Download kURL | Installation | Outbound | 443 |
Download kURL | Installation | Outbound |
prod-registry-k8s-io-<region>.s3.dualstack.<region> 443 |
Download Ingress NGINX Controller image from Amazon S3 | Installation | Outbound | 443 |
Download kubectl |
Installation | Outbound | 443 |
Download Containerd | Installation | Outbound | 443 |
Get latest versions of Dash Enterprise Workspaces | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Retrieve private Dash Enterprise images, validate license | Installation, upgrade, license validation | Outbound | 443 |
Retrieve private Dash Enterprise images, validate license | Installation, upgrade, license validation | Outbound | 443 |
Retrieve private Dash Enterprise images, validate license | Installation, upgrade, license validation | Outbound | 443 |
Retrieve private Dash Enterprise images, validate license | Installation, upgrade, license validation | Outbound | 443 |
Send Dash Enterprise version, license ID, and app ID to Replicated for authentication; retrieve Dash Enterprise YAML files and metadata | Installation | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker image for Kpack | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker image for Kpack | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker image for Harbor | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Weave and Docker image for Kpack | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Weave and Docker image for Kpack | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Weave and Docker image for Kpack | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker images for Fluent Bit, Reloader, and Cert Manager. Get latest versions of Dash Enterprise Workspaces. | Installation, upgrade, runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker images for Fluent Bit, Reloader, and Cert Manager | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker images for Fluent Bit, Reloader, and Cert Manager | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker images for Fluent Bit, Reloader, and Cert Manager | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download Docker images for Fluent Bit, Reloader, and Cert Manager | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Download static assets | Installation, upgrade | Outbound |
* 443 |
Download dependencies for Kpack | Installation, upgrade | Outbound | 443 (if using an automatically generated certificate) |
Obtain and renew the Let’s Encrypt certificate | Installation, Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Access documentation | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Access Dash Enterprise libraries like Dash Design Kit when building app images | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Licensing and support | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download the Dash Enterprise upgrade tool | Upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Connect to the Plotly control plane during Dash Enterprise upgrades | Upgrade | Outbound | 443 |
Access the object store for KOTS | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download public Python packages when building app images | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download Python binaries | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download setuptools |
Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download packages when building app images | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Download Conda packages when building app images | Runtime | Outbound |
* 443 and 80 |
Download APT packages when building app images | Runtime | Outbound |
* 443 |
Download APT packages when building app images | Runtime | Outbound |
*.<base-domain> 443 |
Access Harbor (registry) when building app images | Runtime | Outbound | 443 |
Use Tabnine AI code assistant in workspaces | Runtime | Outbound |
where <region>
is the AWS region of your VM and <base-domain>
is the base domain you chose for Dash Enterprise.
The following DNS entries:
Name | Type | Value |
<base-domain> |
A record | <server-ip> |
api-<base-domain> |
CNAME | <base-domain> |
ws-<base-domain> |
CNAME | <base-domain> |
git-<base-domain> |
CNAME | <base-domain> |
registry-<base-domain> |
CNAME | <base-domain> |
auth-<base-domain> |
CNAME | <base-domain> |
admin-<base-domain> |
CNAME | <base-domain> |
where <base-domain>
is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that you want to use as the base domain for your Dash Enterprise instance and <server-ip>
is the Elastic IP or private IP that you want to use to reach your server.
Contact our Customer Success team to get started. We’ll ask you:
When we have all the information we need, we’ll send you a zipped folder called your Installation Plan. Your Installation Plan is tailor-made based on your conversation with Customer Success and contains everything you need to install Dash Enterprise for your organization.
Your Installation Plan contains:
, which creates the Kubernetes cluster and installs Dash Enterprise as well as supporting
, which contains variables used by the installation script. You’ll define some of these variables as part of the install
, which is intended for post-install operations. The bootstrap pod is where key tools will be located after the installation.sha256sums.txt
, provided for support purposes.In this step, you’ll use the EC2 service along with the Amazon Machine Image that you received from AWS Marketplace to provision a VM running Ubuntu 22.04.
To provision your VM:
In Name, enter a name for your EC2 instance.
For Instance type, select one of the following:
* For the Standard offering of Dash Enterprise: c6a.8xlarge
(recommended) or a different instance type chosen with our Customer Success team.
* For the Growth offering of Dash Enterprise: m6a.8xlarge
* For the Premium offering of Dash Enterprise: m6a.16xlarge
Select Create key pair.
Configure the network settings:
Add the following five firewall rules:
Type: Custom TCP, Source type: My IP, Port range of your choosing that will replace 22 to SSH into this instance (cannot be any of the ports used in the above rules). For example, 2222
. If you plan to customize the Git SSH port when configuring Dash Enterprise, then this is not needed.
Configure the storage:
In Throughput, enter 500.
Use the default settings for everything else or adjust them to your preference.
(If using an Elastic IP address) Once the EC2 instance is ready, associate your Elastic IP address:
Unzip your Installation Plan and open the config file. Edit the following variable values:
: The password you want to set for the KOTS Admin Console.About storing and resetting this password: We recommend storing this password in your organization’s password manager, and giving access to any other members of your team who will be managing the Dash Enterprise system (notably performing upgrades and obtaining support bundles). This password is not retrievable with a
command. It can be changed in the Admin Console UI by anyone who is able to log in with the current password. If lost, reset it by runningbash
on your server and thenkubectl kots reset-password -n plotly-system
(optional): Your HTTP/HTTPS proxy address. The address format is similar to http://user:pw@proxy.url:port
(addresses beginning with https
are not supported). The proxy must support websocket connections. If you do not need to configure a proxy, leave this blank.HOST_INTERNAL_REGISTRY
(optional): The hostname of the private container registry you are using for Dash Enterprise images, including the desired namespace. Must not include a trailing slash. If using a private container registry, you must also define the following six variables.HOST_INTERNAL_REGISTRY_USER
(optional): The username for the account you’ll use to pull and push images to your private container registry.HOST_INTERNAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD
(optional): The password for the account you’ll use to pull and push images to your private container registry.AUTH_REGISTRY_PULLS
(optional): Leave false
if the private container registry does not require authentication to pull images. If authentication is required to pull images, change to true
is set to true
, provide the hostname of the private container registry without namespaces. Otherwise, leave empty.SKIP_PUSH_IMAGES
(optional): Leave false
(optional): Leave false
: Leave false
unless instructed to modify this (and allowing access to
over 443
) by our Customer Success team.KURL_PRIVATE_IP
: If your VM has more than one network interface, specify the IP address for kURL to use when creating the Kubernetes cluster. If your VM has a single network interface, leave this blank.If your organization uses its own custom CA (with the internal root CA certificate installed on users’ systems), you can add the internal root CA certificate to Dash Enterprise with INTERNAL_CA_CERTIFICATE
. It must be a .crt
file and contain the root certificate only—not the full chain. Provide it as follows:
(optional): The name of your internal root CA certificate file, including its .crt
extension.Move the following files to the home directory of your VM:
* Your installation script,
* Your config file,
* The script for entering the bootstrap pod,
* Your internal root CA certificate, if using
One way to do this is to use secure copy protocol (SCP).
To transfer the files from your workstation to your VM using SCP:
Ensure you have read-only access to the SSH private key (note this command has no output):
chmod 0400 /path/to/private/key
where /path/to/private/key
is the path to the SSH private key.
Transfer the files to your VM’s home directory:
scp -i /path/to/private/key path/to/installation/script path/to/config/file path/to/bootstrap/pod/script path/to/root/ca ubuntu@<server-ip>:~
* /path/to/private/key
is the path to the SSH private key
* path/to/installation/script
is the path to
in your Installation Plan
* path/to/config/file
is the path to
in your Installation Plan
* path/to/bootstrap/pod/script
is the path to
in your Installation Plan
* path/to/root/ca
is the path to your internal root CA certificate, if using
* <server-ip>
is the IP address you are using.
By default, Dash Enterprise expects app deployments over SSH to use port 22. In this step, you’ll map the Linux OpenSSH daemon (sshd
) to a different port to free up port 22 for Dash Enterprise.
If you plan to customize the Git SSH port when configuring Dash Enterprise, then you can skip this step.
To configure the SSH port:
SSH into the VM:
ssh -i /path/to/private/key ubuntu@<server-ip>
where /path/to/private/key
is the path to the private key and <server-ip>
is the IP address you are using.
Open the sshd_config
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the line that says #Port 22
; then remove the #
and change the port number to the new SSH port that you chose earlier.
Save and exit:
Reload and restart sshd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart sshd
Important: Go back to your VM networking settings and change the source for the port 22 rule to the IP addresses of users who will be deploying apps.
Don’t forget that to SSH into the VM in the future, you’ll need to append the new SSH port to the ssh
command (for example, -p 2222
In this step, you’ll run the installation script from your server. This script does the following:
* Installs Kubernetes via kURL.
* Creates the plotly-system
* Creates a bootstrap pod, de5-bootstrap
, inside the plotly-system
* Authenticates your user to your private container registry, if applicable.
* Generates a kubeconfig file (~/.kube/config
) to run kubectl
commands against the Kubernetes cluster.
* Port-forwards the Admin Console so that you can use it to configure Dash Enterprise.
To install Dash Enterprise:
If you aren’t already, SSH into your VM:
ssh -i /path/to/private/key <username>@<server-ip> -p 2222
where /path/to/private/key
is the path to the private key, <username>
is the username of your VM, and <server-ip>
is the IP address you are using. Omit -p 2222
if you did not remap the SSH port, or change 2222
if you chose a different port.
In the home directory of your VM, run the installation script:
sudo bash
The script takes several minutes to complete. Continue when you see the message Forwarding from -> 3000
(do not exit yet).
If you exit by mistake, restart the port-forward with
kubectl port-forward -n plotly-system svc/kotsadm 8800:3000
Now that your single-node cluster is created and Dash Enterprise is installed on it, you’re ready for configuration. The KOTS Admin Console will take you through several configuration options.
To access the KOTS Admin Console and configure Dash Enterprise:
On your workstation, open an SSH tunnel:
ssh -i /path/to/private/key <username>@<server-ip> -p 2222 -L 8800:localhost:8800
where /path/to/private/key
is the path to the private key, <username>
is the username of your VM, and <server-ip>
is the IP address you are using. Omit -p 2222
if you did not remap the SSH port, or change 2222
if you chose a different port.
On your workstation, go to http://localhost:8800
in Defining Variables in the Script; then select Log in. You are prompted to upload your license.DE_HOSTNAME
in your config file.Drag or browse to the certificate that will establish trust. This certificate has the following requirements:
Depending on how the IdP certificate is signed, and whether there are intermediate certificate authorities (CAs), you may need to use the full certificate chain.
You can upload this certificate later, but Dash Enterprise will be unable to communicate with the server until it can establish trust.
Learn more about which authentication methods are supported.
9. If applicable, in PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL, enter the URL of your organization’s private Python package index (recommended when Dash Enterprise does not have network access to This will cause all apps and workspaces on Dash Enterprise to be able to fetch dependencies from this index.
10. Select Continue. The Admin Console runs preflight checks, which can take up to a few minutes.
11. Wait for the preflight checks to run. Then, do one of the following:
* If you are not using a private container registry: If all the preflight checks are successful, select Deploy. If you encounter an error, contact Customer Success.
* If you are using a private container registry: The preflight checks display a warning message prompting you to configure your private container registry. (If you encounter any other errors, contact Customer Success.) To configure your private container registry:
1. Select the Plotly logo (<img>) in the top left to go to the dashboard (do not select Deploy).
2. Go to Registry Settings.
3. Enter the Hostname, Username, Password, and Registry Namespace for your private container registry.
4. If you have retrieved the Dash Enterprise images into your private container registry, select Disable Pushing Images to Registry. (Note that this setting will be saved and applied when you upgrade Dash Enterprise.)
Wait for the status in the dashboard to change to Ready. This can take up to a few minutes.
to disconnect from the Admin Console.You can now access the Admin Console using its sub-domain: https://admin-<your-dash-enterprise-server>
Dash Enterprise uses Keycloak for identity and access management. During the installation, an initial Keycloak admin user was created to allow you to access the Keycloak Administration Console. As part of Keycloak security best practices, you’ll create a second Keycloak admin user. With this new Keycloak admin user, you’ll create the Dash Enterprise account that you’ll use to log in to https://<your-dash-enterprise-server>
In this step, you’ll retrieve the password for the initial Keycloak admin user and use it to create a new admin user.
To create the new Keycloak admin user:
kubectl get secret keycloak-secrets -n plotly-system -o jsonpath='{.data.KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d && echo
A warning message is displayed that recommends you create a new admin user and delete the existing one. Important: Do not delete nor edit the initial Keycloak admin user. This user is managed by Dash Enterprise.
role:Use this user from now on when logging in to Keycloak.
You can rotate the password for this user in Keycloak by going back to the Keycloak (master) realm, editing the user, and changing the Password that is set. Note that managing this user is the only reason to go to the Keycloak (master) realm. All Dash Enterprise user management is done in a different realm.
In this step, you’ll log in to Keycloak using the newly created admin user and create a Dash Enterprise user that has admin permissions at the Dash Enterprise level. Dash Enterprise administrators have access to the Admin section of the Dash Enterprise App Manager, which you’ll use to configure system limits in a later step. Learn more about Dash Enterprise permissions.
To create your Dash Enterprise user:
Go to the realm responsible for Dash Enterprise users by selecting dash from the realm list in the top left corner.
Select Users > Add User.
admin”. Note that if you intend on deploying apps, you’ll also need the “dash
licensed_user” role, and assigning this role consumes a license seat.You can now log in to https://<your-dash-enterprise-server>
using the credentials for the newly created Dash Enterprise user. Dash Enterprise opens to the Portal. Go to the App Manager by selecting Apps > App Manager.
Dash Enterprise may become unavailable if you experience an infrastructure disruption or exceed your cloud provider’s service limits (if applicable).
We recommend you take regular backups of your Dash Enterprise instance. In a situation where the VM experiences a problem, you can restore from the most recent backup to recover Dash Enterprise.
You can monitor system health and status by logging in to the KOTS Admin Console at https://admin-<your-dash-enterprise-server>
See here for information on how to get support for Dash Enterprise.
In this step, you’ll safeguard Dash Enterprise against usage that would cause the Kubernetes cluster to exceed the resources it can support. Specifically, you’ll add limits to the amount of pods and volumes (PVC) that can exist, temporarily preventing app developers from performing actions that would create more pods and volumes on the cluster when the limit is reached. To do so, you’ll use the System Limits setting in the Admin section of the App Manager. To learn how to calculate and set limits that are appropriate for your cluster, go to Pod and Volume Limits.