Thermometer Examples and Reference

Default Thermometer

An example of a default Thermometer without any extra properties.


app <- Dash$new()

    id = 'my-thermometer-1',
    value = 5,
    min = 0,
    max = 10,
    style = list('margin-bottom' = '5%')
    id = 'thermometer-slider-1',
    value = 5,
    min = 0,
    max = 10

  output(id = "my-thermometer-1", property = "value"),
  params = list(input(id = "thermometer-slider-1", property = "value")),

  update_output <- function(value) {


Current value with units

Display the value of the thermometer along with
optional units with showCurrentValue and units.


    min = 95,
    max = 105,
    value = 100,
    showCurrentValue = TRUE,
    units = "C"

Height and width

Control the size of the thermometer by setting height and width.


    id = "my-daq-tsize",
    height = 150,
    width = 5,
    value = 5)


Display a label alongside the thermometer in
the specified position by setting label and labelPosition.


    id = "my-daq-tlabel",
    value = 5,
    label = "Current temperature",
    labelPosition = "top"

Custom scales

Control the intervals at which labels are displayed,
as well as the labels themselves with the scale property.


  id = "my-daq-tscales",
  value = 5,
  scale = list(
    "start" = 2,
    "interval" = 3,
    "labelInterval" = 2,
    "custom" = list("2" = "ideal temperature",
                    "5" = "projected temperature")

Thermometer Properties

Our recommended IDE for writing Dash apps is Dash Enterprise’s
Data Science Workspaces,
which has typeahead support for Dash Component Properties.
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Dash Enterprise

id (character; optional):
The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks.

value (numeric; optional):
The value of thermometer. If logarthmic, the value displayed will be
the logarithm of the inputted value.

height (numeric; default 192):
The height of the thermometer in pixels.

width (numeric; default 20):
The width of the thermometer in pixels.

color (character; optional):
The color of the thermometer fill/current value text.

min (numeric; default 0):
The minimum value of the thermometer. If logarithmic, represents the
minimum exponent.

max (numeric; default 10):
The maximum value of the thermometer. If logarithmic, represents the
maximum exponent.

base (numeric; default 10):
Base to be used in logarithmic scale.

logarithmic (logical; optional):
If set to TRUE, a logarithmic scale will be used.

showCurrentValue (logical; optional):
If TRUE, the current value of the thermometer will be displayed.

units (character; optional):
Label for the current value.

theme (named list; default light):
Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider.

label (named list; optional):
Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,
pass an object with label and style properties.

label is a character | named list with keys:

  • label (character; optional)

  • style (named list; optional)

labelPosition (a value equal to: ‘top’ or ‘bottom’; default 'top'):
Where the component label is positioned.

scale (named list; optional):
Configuration for the component scale.

scale is a named list with keys:

  • custom (named list; optional):
    Custom scale marks. The key determines the position and the value
    determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a
    specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains
    style and label properties.

    custom is a numeric | named list with keys:

    • label (character; optional)

    • style (character; optional)

  • interval (numeric; optional):
    Interval by which the scale goes up. Attempts to dynamically
    divide min-max range by default.

  • labelInterval (numeric; optional):
    Interval by which labels are added to scale marks. Defaults to 2
    (every other mark has a label).

  • start (numeric; optional):
    Value to start the scale from. Defaults to min.

className (character; optional):
Class to apply to the root component element.

style (named list; optional):
Style to apply to the root component element.