Aggregation with custom functions is an AG Grid Enterprise feature, so you’ll need a license key to use it. See Using AG Grid Enterprise for an example of how to use your license key with Dash AG Grid components.
The following example demonstrates how to use a custom function that calculates a ratio. To run the example, add the JavaScript content that follows the example to the dashAgGridFunctions.js
file in your app’s assets folder.
This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.
Visit the old docs site for R at:
JavaScript function
Add the following to the dashAgGridFunctions.js
file in your app’s assets folder:
var dagfuncs = window.dashAgGridFunctions = window.dashAgGridFunctions || {};
dagfuncs.ratioValueGetter = function (params) {
if (!(params.node && {
// no need to handle group levels - calculated in the 'ratioAggFunc'
return createValueObject(,;
dagfuncs.ratioAggFunc = function (params) {
let goldSum = 0;
let silverSum = 0;
params.values.forEach((value) => {
if (value && {
goldSum +=;
if (value && value.silver) {
silverSum += value.silver;
return createValueObject(goldSum, silverSum);
function createValueObject(gold, silver) {
return {
gold: gold,
silver: silver,
toString: () => `${gold && silver ? gold / silver : 0}`,
dagfuncs.ratioFormatter = function (params) {
if (!params.value || params.value === 0) return '';
return '' + Math.round(params.value * 100) / 100;