Tooltip Component

Tooltip components allow you to add your own tooltips to the grid’s column headers and cells. Use these when the
provided tooltip component or
the default browser tooltip do not
meet your requirements.

Custom Tooltip

The example below demonstrates how to provide custom tooltips to the grid. In the example:

This example has not been ported to R yet - showing the Python version instead.

Visit the old docs site for R at:

import dash_ag_grid as dag
from dash import Dash, html, dcc
import pandas as pd

data = {
    "ticker": ["AAPL", "MSFT", "AMZN", "GOOGL"],
    "company": ["Apple", "Microsoft", "Amazon", "Alphabet"],
    "price": [154.99, 268.65, 100.47, 96.75],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

columnDefs = [
        "headerName": "Stock Ticker",
        "field": "ticker",
        "tooltipField": 'ticker',
        "tooltipComponentParams": { "color": '#d8f0d3' },

        "headerName": "Company",
        "field": "company",
        "headerName": "Last Close Price",
        "field": "price",
        "valueFormatter": {"function": """d3.format("($,.2f")(params.value)"""},
        "editable": True,

grid = dag.AgGrid(
    defaultColDef={"editable": False,  "tooltipComponent": "CustomTooltip"},
    dashGridOptions={"tooltipShowDelay": 100}

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(
    [dcc.Markdown("Example of custom tooltip"), grid],
    style={"margin": 20},

if __name__ == "__main__":

Put the following in the dashAgGridComponentFunctions.js file in the assets folder


var dagcomponentfuncs = window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions = window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions || {};

dagcomponentfuncs.CustomTooltip = function (props) {
    info = [
        React.createElement('h4', {},,
        React.createElement('div', {},,
        React.createElement('div', {},,
    return React.createElement(
            style: {
                border: '2pt solid white',
                backgroundColor: props.color || 'grey',
                padding: 10,


Example of custom tooltip

Dynamic Tooltip

When working with Custom Cell Renderers it is possible to register custom tooltips that are displayed dynamically by
using the setTooltip method.

For more information and an example of a toolip that displays on truncated cell values see the Cell Rendering.