Keyboard Shortcuts

On this page, you’ll find a list of supported keyboard shortcuts for working with notebooks in Dash Enterprise workspaces.

Command Mode and Edit Mode

Command (Windows/Linux) Command (macOS) Action
Ctrl + Enter Cmd + Enter Run selected cells
Shift + Enter Shift + Enter Run the current cell, select below
Alt + Enter Option + Enter Run the current cell, insert below

Command Mode

Command Action
Enter (while in Command Mode) Activate Edit Mode
Up / K Select cell above
Down / J Select cell below
A Insert cell above
B Insert cell below
C Copy selected cells
V Paste cells below
Shift + V Paste cells above
X Cut selected cells
D, D Delete selected

Edit Mode

Command (Windows/Linux) Command (macOS) Action
Esc (while in Edit mode) Esc (while in Edit mode) Activate Command mode
Tab Tab Code completion or indent
Ctrl + / Cmd + / Toggle comment lines
Ctrl + ] Cmd + ] Indent
Ctrl + [ Cmd + [ Dedent
Ctrl + A Cmd + A Select all
Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z Cmd + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + Home Cmd + Home Go to cell start
Ctrl + End Cmd + End Go to cell end
Ctrl + Left Option + Left Move cursor one word left
Ctrl + Right Option + Right Move cursor one word right
Move cursor down
Move cursor up
Ctrl + Shift + P Cmd + Shift + P Open Jupyter Command Palette