dash_bio.Molecule2dViewer Examples and Reference

see Molecule2dViewer in action.


An example of a default Molecule2dViewer component without any extra properties.

import json
import urllib.request as urlreq
from dash import Dash, html, Input, Output, callback
import dash_bio as dashbio

app = Dash()

model_data = urlreq.urlopen(

model_data = json.loads(model_data)

app.layout = html.Div([

    Output('default-molecule2d-output', 'children'),
    Input('dashbio-default-molecule2d', 'selectedAtomIds')
def update_selected_atoms(ids):
    if ids is None or len(ids) == 0:
        return "No atom has been selected. Select atoms by clicking on them."
    return "Selected atom IDs: {}.".format(', '.join([str(i) for i in ids]))

if __name__ == '__main__':


Selected Atom Ids

Highlight specific atoms in the molecule.

import json
import urllib.request as urlreq
import dash_bio as dashbio

model_data = urlreq.urlopen(


Model Data

Change the bonds and atoms in the molecule.

import json
import urllib.request as urlreq
import dash_bio as dashbio

model_data = urlreq.urlopen(

model_data = json.loads(model_data)
for atom in model_data['nodes']:
for bond in model_data['links']:
    bond.update(distance=50.0, strength=0.5)


Molecule2dViewer Properties

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id (string; optional):
The ID used to identify this component in callbacks.

selectedAtomIds (list of numbers; optional):
The selected atom IDs.

width (number; default 500):
The width of the SVG element.

height (number; default 500):
The height of the SVG element.

modelData (dict; default { nodes: [], links: [],}):
Description of the molecule to display.

modelData is a dict with keys:

  • links (list of dicts; optional)

    links is a list of dicts with keys:

    • bond (number; optional)

    • distance (number; optional)

    • id (number; optional)

    • source (optional)

    • strength (number; optional)

    • target (optional)

  • nodes (list of dicts; optional)

    nodes is a list of dicts with keys:

    • atom (string; optional)

    • id (number; optional)

loading_state (dict; optional):
Object that holds the loading state object coming from dash-renderer.

loading_state is a dict with keys:

  • component_name (string; optional):
    Holds the name of the component that is loading.

  • is_loading (boolean; optional):
    Determines if the component is loading or not.

  • prop_name (string; optional):
    Holds which property is loading.

scrollZoom (boolean; optional):
The option of whether or not to allow scrolling to control the zoom.

Example Data