In this chapter, we will show an example of automatically generating a
phylogenetic tree
from biopython’s Phylo
object, and enable interactive features such
as highlighting children clades. The source code is available as
and you can find an online demo here.
The first step is to load the phylogeny tree. We will be using the
file retrieved from PhyloXML.
To load the file, run this (after you made sure that
biopython was correctly installed):
from Bio import Phylo
tree ='data/apaf.xml', 'phyloxml')
Then, we need to use a function to parse the data. We will construct a
function generate_elements(...)
, which will first generate the column
position and row position of each element in the tree using helper functions
and get_row_positions
, and recursively parse the
tree and add the clades to the list of elements, using a helper function
called add_to_elements
get_col_positions() function definition
def get_col_positions(tree, column_width=80):
taxa = tree.get_terminals()
# Some constants for the drawing calculations
max_label_width = max(len(str(taxon)) for taxon in taxa)
drawing_width = column_width - max_label_width - 1
"""Create a mapping of each clade to its column position."""
depths = tree.depths()
# If there are no branch lengths, assume unit branch lengths
if not max(depths.values()):
depths = tree.depths(unit_branch_lengths=True)
# Potential drawing overflow due to rounding -- 1 char per tree layer
fudge_margin = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(taxa), 2)))
cols_per_branch_unit = ((drawing_width - fudge_margin) /
return dict((clade, int(blen * cols_per_branch_unit + 1.0))
for clade, blen in depths.items())
get_row_positions() function definition
def get_row_positions(tree):
taxa = tree.get_terminals()
positions = dict((taxon, 2 * idx) for idx, taxon in enumerate(taxa))
def calc_row(clade):
for subclade in clade:
if subclade not in positions:
positions[clade] = ((positions[clade.clades[0]] +
positions[clade.clades[-1]]) // 2)
return positions
add_to_elements() function definition
def add_to_elements(clade, clade_id):
children = clade.clades
pos_x = col_positions[clade] * xlen
pos_y = row_positions[clade] * ylen
cy_source = {
"data": {"id": clade_id},
'position': {'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y},
'classes': 'nonterminal',
'grabbable': grabbable
if clade.is_terminal():
cy_source['data']['name'] =
cy_source['classes'] = 'terminal'
for n, child in enumerate(children):
# The "support" node is on the same column as the parent clade,
# and on the same row as the child clade. It is used to create the
# 90 degree angle between the parent and the children.
# Edge config: parent -> support -> child
support_id = clade_id + 's' + str(n)
child_id = clade_id + 'c' + str(n)
pos_y_child = row_positions[child] * ylen
cy_support_node = {
'data': {'id': support_id},
'position': {'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y_child},
'grabbable': grabbable,
'classes': 'support'
cy_support_edge = {
'data': {
'source': clade_id,
'target': support_id,
'sourceCladeId': clade_id
cy_edge = {
'data': {
'source': support_id,
'target': child_id,
'length': clade.branch_length,
'sourceCladeId': clade_id
if clade.confidence and clade.confidence.value:
cy_source['data']['confidence'] = clade.confidence.value
edges.extend([cy_support_edge, cy_edge])
add_to_elements(child, child_id)
You might notice that we use something called support clades. Those are
simply used to modify the shape of the tree so that it resembles
traditional phylogeny tree layouts.
Finally, we finish building generate_elements
with the following code:
import math
def generate_elements(tree, xlen=30, ylen=30, grabbable=False):
def col_positions(tree, column_width=80):
def row_positions(tree):
def add_to_elements(clade, clade_id):
col_positions = get_col_positions(tree)
row_positions = get_row_positions(tree)
nodes = []
edges = []
add_to_elements(tree.clade, 'r')
return nodes, edges
Note that
changes thenodes
lists in place.
Since we are assigning a position to the nodes, we have to use the preset
layout. Additionally, we need to add specific styles in order to make the
phylogeny trees to match aesthetically the traditional methods. We define:
layout = {'name': 'preset'}
stylesheet = [
'selector': '.nonterminal',
'style': {
'label': 'data(confidence)',
'background-opacity': 0,
"text-halign": "left",
"text-valign": "top",
'selector': '.support',
'style': {'background-opacity': 0}
'selector': 'edge',
'style': {
"source-endpoint": "inside-to-node",
"target-endpoint": "inside-to-node",
'selector': '.terminal',
'style': {
'label': 'data(name)',
'width': 10,
'height': 10,
"text-valign": "center",
"text-halign": "right",
'background-color': '#222222'
At this point, we simply need to create the layout of the app, which will
be a simple Cytoscape component. We will also add a callback that will
color all the children of an edge red whenever we hover on that edge. This
is accomplished by filtering the IDs, which are sequences of
s‘s and c‘s, which stand for support and children, intersected
by the number 0 or 1, since there are two subclades per clade.
# Start the app
from dash import Dash, html
import dash_cytoscape as cyto
app = Dash()
app.layout = html.Div([
'height': '95vh',
'width': '100%'
@callback(Output('cytoscape-usage-phylogeny', 'stylesheet'),
Input('cytoscape-usage-phylogeny', 'mouseoverEdgeData'))
def color_children(edgeData):
if not edgeData:
return stylesheet
if 's' in edgeData['source']:
val = edgeData['source'].split('s')[0]
val = edgeData['source']
children_style = [{
'selector': 'edge[source *= "{}"]'.format(val),
'style': {
'line-color': 'blue'
return stylesheet + children_style
This results in the following app:
import math
import os
from Bio import Phylo
import dash_cytoscape as cyto
from dash import Dash, html, Input, Output, callback
def generate_elements(tree, xlen=30, ylen=30, grabbable=False):
def get_col_positions(tree, column_width=80):
taxa = tree.get_terminals()
# Some constants for the drawing calculations
max_label_width = max(len(str(taxon)) for taxon in taxa)
drawing_width = column_width - max_label_width - 1
"""Create a mapping of each clade to its column position."""
depths = tree.depths()
# If there are no branch lengths, assume unit branch lengths
if not max(depths.values()):
depths = tree.depths(unit_branch_lengths=True)
# Potential drawing overflow due to rounding -- 1 char per tree layer
fudge_margin = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(taxa), 2)))
cols_per_branch_unit = ((drawing_width - fudge_margin) /
return dict((clade, int(blen * cols_per_branch_unit + 1.0))
for clade, blen in depths.items())
def get_row_positions(tree):
taxa = tree.get_terminals()
positions = dict((taxon, 2 * idx) for idx, taxon in enumerate(taxa))
def calc_row(clade):
for subclade in clade:
if subclade not in positions:
positions[clade] = ((positions[clade.clades[0]] +
positions[clade.clades[-1]]) // 2)
return positions
def add_to_elements(clade, clade_id):
children = clade.clades
pos_x = col_positions[clade] * xlen
pos_y = row_positions[clade] * ylen
cy_source = {
"data": {"id": clade_id},
'position': {'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y},
'classes': 'nonterminal',
'grabbable': grabbable
if clade.is_terminal():
cy_source['data']['name'] =
cy_source['classes'] = 'terminal'
for n, child in enumerate(children):
# The "support" node is on the same column as the parent clade,
# and on the same row as the child clade. It is used to create the
# 90 degree angle between the parent and the children.
# Edge config: parent -> support -> child
support_id = clade_id + 's' + str(n)
child_id = clade_id + 'c' + str(n)
pos_y_child = row_positions[child] * ylen
cy_support_node = {
'data': {'id': support_id},
'position': {'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y_child},
'grabbable': grabbable,
'classes': 'support'
cy_support_edge = {
'data': {
'source': clade_id,
'target': support_id,
'sourceCladeId': clade_id
cy_edge = {
'data': {
'source': support_id,
'target': child_id,
'length': clade.branch_length,
'sourceCladeId': clade_id
if clade.confidence and clade.confidence.value:
cy_source['data']['confidence'] = clade.confidence.value
edges.extend([cy_support_edge, cy_edge])
add_to_elements(child, child_id)
col_positions = get_col_positions(tree)
row_positions = get_row_positions(tree)
nodes = []
edges = []
add_to_elements(tree.clade, 'r')
return nodes, edges
# Define elements, stylesheet and layout
# download this from <a href=""></a>
tree ='apaf.xml', 'phyloxml')
nodes, edges = generate_elements(tree)
elements = nodes + edges
layout = {'name': 'preset'}
stylesheet = [
'selector': '.nonterminal',
'style': {
'label': 'data(confidence)',
'background-opacity': 0,
"text-halign": "left",
"text-valign": "top",
'selector': '.support',
'style': {'background-opacity': 0}
'selector': 'edge',
'style': {
"source-endpoint": "inside-to-node",
"target-endpoint": "inside-to-node",
'selector': '.terminal',
'style': {
'label': 'data(name)',
'width': 10,
'height': 10,
"text-valign": "center",
"text-halign": "right",
'background-color': '#222222'
# Start the app
app = Dash()
app.layout = html.Div([
'height': '95vh',
'width': '100%'
@callback(Output('cytoscape-usage-phylogeny', 'stylesheet'),
Input('cytoscape-usage-phylogeny', 'mouseoverEdgeData'))
def color_children(edgeData):
if edgeData is None:
return stylesheet
if 's' in edgeData['source']:
val = edgeData['source'].split('s')[0]
val = edgeData['source']
children_style = [{
'selector': 'edge[source *= "{}"]'.format(val),
'style': {
'line-color': 'blue'
return stylesheet + children_style
if __name__ == '__main__':