App Studio Changelog

App Studio Editor

This section documents changes to the App Studio editor. This is the UI where you preview and customize your App Studio app. If you are using App Studio on Dash Enterprise, you’ll have access to additional functionality provided by the App Studio workspace, for example functionality that is directly within notebooks and the IDE. See the “App Studio Workspace” section below for details of the changes from the workspace release that are relevant to App Studio workspaces.

What version of the App Studio editor am I using?

When viewing an app preview, you’ll find the App Studio editor version in the bottom-right corner:


1.7.0 - 2025-03-13



1.6.1 - 2024-12-19




Older Releases


1.5.0 - 2024-09-26


  • Added an optional run button that configures the app to update when the button is selected rather than on each control change.
  • Added spinners that are displayed on controls and variables when they are in a loading state.
  • Added a “View large datasets” option, which when enabled allows more than 1000 rows to be displayed in tables in the app.
  • Added support for using Dash Notes.


  • Removed support for Chatbot Builder in App Studio.


  • Fixed an issue where .studio files didn’t work and caused an error on the theming menu in App Studio 1.4.0 if they were created with an earlier App Studio version.
  • Fixed an issue where using iPython syntax ? and ?? caused an error to be raised in App Studio. These lines are now ignored.
  • Fixed an issue with deploying to Dash Enterprise 5.3 and earlier.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking outside the Code Preview panel didn’t close the panel.


1.4.0 - 2024-06-28


  • Added support for grouping controls.
  • Added options for changing the controls layout.
  • Added custom theming options.
  • Added support for Chatbot Builder in App Studio.


  • Removed app-studio from the requirements list for generated apps.
  • Changed behavior for Dash components dcc.Textarea, html.Textarea, dcc.Upload, html.Button, and html.Select for them to render as controls, instead of in cards within sections.


  • Fixed an issue where using eval or exec in notebooks weren’t being handled correctly by App Studio.
  • Fixed an issue where uninitialized notebooks wouldn’t load and displayed an error.


1.3.0 - 2024-06-04


  • Added support for Aptfile. App Studio now automatically detects any Aptfile located alongside the loaded notebook or Python script and includes this on export and deploy.


  • Changed auto-generated Procfile to use 4 workers and gunicorn --preload.
  • Moved the sidebar to the right of the App Studio preview and changed the sidebar styling.


  • Fixed a DataCard styling issue on deployed and exported apps.
  • Fixed an issue where App Studio showed previously resolved errors again on deploy.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes components would not load correctly in App Studio, preventing signing in to Dash Enterprise.
  • Fixed an issue with exporting apps that referenced DataFrames from URLs.
  • Fixed spacing in app description text.


  • Removed support for app_studio.Rv for declaring reactive variables.


1.2.0 - 2024-03-29


  • Added an option to change themes in the UI.
  • Added support for setting logos using URLs.
  • Added One-Click Deploy, allowing deployment to a Dash Enterprise instance without first exporting the app code.
  • Added Control Settings menu and primary and secondary control sections, allowing rearranging and renaming of controls.
  • Added Caching and Scheduling for variables.
  • Added automatic inclusion of local data and Python files when exporting/deploying an app.


  • Changed reactivate variables to no longer require the Rv function. Control properties can now be referenced directly after creating a control. For example, with control = dcc.Dropdown(options=['a', 'b', 'c'] value=['a'], multi=True), the selected value can be accessed with control.value.
  • Updated Dash AG Grid version to 31.0.1.
  • Removed support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 and added support for Python 3.12.


  • Fixed an issue with the positioning of the checkbox for enabling/disabling the logo.


1.1.0 - 2024-01-18


  • Added a sign-in screen. Users now need to sign in using Dash Enterprise credentials in order to access the code generated by App Studio or export it.
  • Added an option to toggle the app’s logo.
  • Added syntax highlighting to code generation preview.
  • Added column filters based on column data types to AG Grids.
  • Added support for repeated expressions in code generation.


  • Changed the welcome.ipynb notebook to generate the app’s requirements at runtime instead of pinning the requirements in the notebook.
  • Changed some AG Grid styling defaults.


  • Fixed an issue where AG Grids didn’t reflow to fill the card’s height when removing the description from an adjacent card.
  • Fixed an issue where content wider than a card overflowed instead of enabling scroll.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling with a mouse on the open code generation window scrolled the background content instead.
  • Fixed an issue with how fonts display in Safari.

App Studio Workspace

What version of Workspaces am I using?

With Workspaces version 1.5.0 and later, the version is displayed in the status bar in the App Studio workspace.


For earlier versions, a build commit SHA is displayed. Compare this to the commit SHA for the release on de-workspace-releases on GitHub.

1.5.0 - 2025-03-14




For changelogs for earlier versions, see Dash Enterprise Workspace releases on GitHub